German Title: Zhongguozi - Shuxie - Lehrwerk für Chinesisch als Fremdsprache
Chinese Title: 中国子 书写 对外汉语教材 (汉德版)
ISBN-10: 7-100-06019-2, 7100060192
ISBN-13: 978-7-100-06019-6, 9787100060196
Author: Brigitte Kölla
Binding: softcover
Pages: 199
Shipping Weight: 720g
Size: 211mm x 295mm
Language: German, simplified Chinese, pinyin
Publisher: The Commercial Press (商务印书馆)
Zhongguozi - Shuxie [Chinese-German] is the writing exercise book that accompanies the textbook Zhongguohua [Volume 1] [Chinese-German]. Due to the systematic and fundamental teaching of the structure of the Chinese characters using 94 simple characters, Zhongguozi Shuxie is also suitable in connection with other beginner textbooks or for self-learners.
中国子 书写 对外汉语教材 (汉德版)
《中国字 书写 (汉德版)》以简体字为主,兼及繁体。上册《中国字:书写》,前导9课,学习汉字94个,介绍汉字常识与书写须知,练习书写。后5课,学习汉字200个,与《中国话》相配,学习课文中高频常用汉字,共需30课时。汉字结构分析:归部以文字学部首为主,兼顾检字法部首,以便分析结构、理清音义线索。部首先列本名,俗称随后。解说结构时依书写顺序。形声字声旁一律标注读音,以便区别形声、会意和记号字.独体字一般不作切分;提取部首后剩下的成分如不成偏旁,对该字不作切分。为便于临写,《中国字:书写(汉德版)》采用易撕装订。