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YCT Standard Course 4. ISBN: 9787040448443
English Title: YCT Standard Course 4
Chinese Title: YCT标准教程4
ISBN-10: 7-04-044844-0, 7040448440
ISBN-13: 978-7-04-044844-3, 9787040448443
Series: YCT Standard Course
Editor: Hanban, Confucius Institute Headquarters
Binding: softcover
Pages: 70
Shipping Weight: 270g
Size: 210mm x 284mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Audio: Mandarin Chinese
Year of Publication: 2016
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Publisher: Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社)
Book 4
YCT Standard Course (Book 4) is designed for primary school and middle school students. The book has 12 lessons, covering 78 words, 20 grammar and function items of YCT level 3. Lessons 1—11 are teaching lessons while lesson 12 is a revision lesson. The suggested class hours for each lesson are 3-4 hours.
Each lesson in Book 4 consists of Key sentences, Let's learn (new words), Let's read (texts), Activities and exercises, Songs, Mini stories and Model test page.
The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency, which evaluates the ability of primary school and middle school students whose mother tongue is not Chinese to use the Chinese language in their daily lives and study. YCT Standard Course has been developed based on the analysis of YCT papers and the principle of "combining testing and teaching".
Target Readers
- Overseas primary school and middle school students who take Chinese as a selective course.
- Students who are going to take the YCT.
A full coverage of YCT. On the basis of an overall and careful analysis of YCT syllabus and test papers, the series is organized with function as the prominent building blocks and grammar as the underlying building blocks, so as to fully cover YCT's vocabulary, grammar and function items. Each lesson is accompanied by a YCT model test page. Students should be able to pass the corresponding level of YCT after finishing each book.
An integrated combination of function and fun. The series emphasizes on the authenticity of the scene design, the naturalness and usefulness of the language, as well as the interestingness of the content. At the same time, it takes a careful consideration of students' affection and attitude. Through texts, games, songs and stories, we hope the series is able to arise students' interest in learning and help them enjoy it as they learn.
A variety of activities and exercises in each section. There are activities and exercises in each teaching section in this series in order to provide teaching clues and exercise options for teachers.
Listening and speaking taking the lead and followed by reading and writing. The series follows the principle that students proceed with reading and writing after achieving the goal of listening and speaking. The first 4 books do not have any requirements on writing Chinese characters.
Contents / 目录
热身 Warm-up
Lesson 1 我们有一百零八个学生。 We have 108 students.
Lesson 2 你学汉语多长时间了? How long have you been learning Chinese?
Lesson 3 早上八点半就开门。 It opens as early as 8:30 in the morning.
Lesson 4 我感冒了。 I have a cold.
Lesson 5 把门关上。 Close the door.
Lesson 6 你去过我们的新教室吗? Have you been to our new classroom?
Lesson 7 你们每天怎么去学校? How do you go to school every day?
Lesson 8 要下雨了。 It's going to rain.
Lesson 9 你是什么时候去的? When did you go there?
Lesson 10 爸爸为什么不休息? Why doesn't Dad have a rest?
Lesson 11 它长得很快。 It grows really fast.
Lesson 12 复习 Review
词语表 Vocabulary
课文和小故事翻译 Text and Mini Story Translation
测试页听力文本 Test Listening Scripts
测试页答案 Test Answers
YCT奖状 YCT Award
Chinese Title: YCT标准教程4
ISBN-10: 7-04-044844-0, 7040448440
ISBN-13: 978-7-04-044844-3, 9787040448443
Series: YCT Standard Course
Editor: Hanban, Confucius Institute Headquarters
Binding: softcover
Pages: 70
Shipping Weight: 270g
Size: 210mm x 284mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Audio: Mandarin Chinese
Year of Publication: 2016
Download MP3-files:
Publisher: Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社)
Book 4
YCT Standard Course (Book 4) is designed for primary school and middle school students. The book has 12 lessons, covering 78 words, 20 grammar and function items of YCT level 3. Lessons 1—11 are teaching lessons while lesson 12 is a revision lesson. The suggested class hours for each lesson are 3-4 hours.
Each lesson in Book 4 consists of Key sentences, Let's learn (new words), Let's read (texts), Activities and exercises, Songs, Mini stories and Model test page.
The Youth Chinese Test (YCT) is an international standardized test of Chinese proficiency, which evaluates the ability of primary school and middle school students whose mother tongue is not Chinese to use the Chinese language in their daily lives and study. YCT Standard Course has been developed based on the analysis of YCT papers and the principle of "combining testing and teaching".
Target Readers
- Overseas primary school and middle school students who take Chinese as a selective course.
- Students who are going to take the YCT.
A full coverage of YCT. On the basis of an overall and careful analysis of YCT syllabus and test papers, the series is organized with function as the prominent building blocks and grammar as the underlying building blocks, so as to fully cover YCT's vocabulary, grammar and function items. Each lesson is accompanied by a YCT model test page. Students should be able to pass the corresponding level of YCT after finishing each book.
An integrated combination of function and fun. The series emphasizes on the authenticity of the scene design, the naturalness and usefulness of the language, as well as the interestingness of the content. At the same time, it takes a careful consideration of students' affection and attitude. Through texts, games, songs and stories, we hope the series is able to arise students' interest in learning and help them enjoy it as they learn.
A variety of activities and exercises in each section. There are activities and exercises in each teaching section in this series in order to provide teaching clues and exercise options for teachers.
Listening and speaking taking the lead and followed by reading and writing. The series follows the principle that students proceed with reading and writing after achieving the goal of listening and speaking. The first 4 books do not have any requirements on writing Chinese characters.
Contents / 目录
热身 Warm-up
Lesson 1 我们有一百零八个学生。 We have 108 students.
Lesson 2 你学汉语多长时间了? How long have you been learning Chinese?
Lesson 3 早上八点半就开门。 It opens as early as 8:30 in the morning.
Lesson 4 我感冒了。 I have a cold.
Lesson 5 把门关上。 Close the door.
Lesson 6 你去过我们的新教室吗? Have you been to our new classroom?
Lesson 7 你们每天怎么去学校? How do you go to school every day?
Lesson 8 要下雨了。 It's going to rain.
Lesson 9 你是什么时候去的? When did you go there?
Lesson 10 爸爸为什么不休息? Why doesn't Dad have a rest?
Lesson 11 它长得很快。 It grows really fast.
Lesson 12 复习 Review
词语表 Vocabulary
课文和小故事翻译 Text and Mini Story Translation
测试页听力文本 Test Listening Scripts
测试页答案 Test Answers
YCT奖状 YCT Award