Format: 6 test sheets, 6 answer cards, listening scripts and answer booklet
English Title: YCT Simulation Tests [ Level II]
Chinese Title: YCT模拟试题集(二级)
ISBN-13: 9787561948897, 9781625752178
Binding: softcover
Shipping Weight: 460g
Size: 208mm x 283mm
Language: simplified Chinese, partially pinyin
Publisher: Phoenix Tree Publishing
YCT (Youth Chinese Test), an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency, assesses the abilities of non-Chinese speaking students in primary and middle schools to use Chinese in their daily and academic lives. YCT Simulation Tests (Level II) is corresponding to the writing tests of YCT Level II, including 6 sets of simulation tests. Including 6 test sheets with answer cards and the anwer keys and listening scripts. Sound recording will be downloaded by scanning the QR code on the first page of each examination paper. Alternatively use this link to download the files directly from the publisher's homepage: YCT模拟试题集(二级)