Main page » Learn Chinese » Books for Teachers (TCSL) » Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174
![Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/popup_images/4705-0.jpg)
![Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/popup_images/4705-1.jpg)
![Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/popup_images/4705-2.jpg)
![Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/popup_images/4705-3.jpg)
![Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/gallery_images/4705-0.jpg)
![Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/gallery_images/4705-1.jpg)
![Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/gallery_images/4705-2.jpg)
![Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174 Preview: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174](images/product_images/gallery_images/4705-3.jpg)
Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787301276174
English Title: Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management
Chinese Title: 智在沟通——国际汉语课堂教学与管理案例及解析
Author/Editor: Meiru Liu, Lina Lu
ISBN-10: 7-301-27617-6, 7301276176
ISBN-13: 978-7-301-27617-4, 9787301276174
Binding: softcover
Pages: 205
Shipping Weight: 450g
Size: 170mm x 240mm
Language: somplified Chinese
Year of Publication: 2017
Publisher: Peking University Press (北京大学出版社)
Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management. This book is a must-have reference resource for Chinese teachers. With 40 interesting real-life cases of problems and challenges of teaching Chinese abroad in elementary and secondary schools. Simplified Chinese edition.
目录 Contents
9. 如何遵守国际汉语课堂教学礼仪?
10. 同一个班级里学生的水平参差不齐,如何因材施教?
11. 学生经常晚交或不交作业,导致分数低,怎么办?
12. 如何让学生参与课堂,避免出现空闲时间?
13. 如何在教学中做到以学生为中心,因材施教?
14. 教师如何在教学中减少被干扰、讲课被打断的次数?
15. 如何纠正学生的错误而又不伤害他们的自信心?
16. 教师该不该对学生进行物质奖励?
17. 给学生讲故事也要讲究方法吗?
18. 初级汉语教学阶段如何培养学生目的语的交际技能?
19. 中文阅读课是否可以先“学”后“教”?
20. 如何在AP中文课中运用文化体验教学模式?
21. 小学低年级的科学课怎么上?
22. 教师在课堂上出错儿怎么办?
23. 老师为什么会被学生问“卡壳”呢?
24. 家长会上需要公布学生的学习或考试成绩吗?
25. 当家长听信学生的一面之词时,老师应该怎么办?
26. 如何面对家长对其孩子学习成绩差、分数低的抱怨?
27. 老师如何在课堂上控制自己的情绪,避免做出过激反应?
28. 如何与不配合、“难搞定”的家长沟通?
29. 鼓励鞭策学生的话语被误解为批评怎么办?
30. 教师讲课时容易忽视中外文化差异怎么办?
31. 学生不“尊师重道”怎么办?
32. 如何面对政治相关的敏感话题?
33. 教师可以接受家长、学生送的礼物吗?
34. 教师如何避免“祸从口出”?
35. 学生挑战中国传统教育观念怎么办?
36. 学生为何在中文课堂与其他学科课堂上的表现大相径庭?
37. 如何避免触及美国教育的“红线”?
38. 老师为什么被学生问得哑口无言?
39. 教师称呼、夸赞学生也有讲究吗?
40. 教师如何避免使用歧视性语言?
Chinese Title: 智在沟通——国际汉语课堂教学与管理案例及解析
Author/Editor: Meiru Liu, Lina Lu
ISBN-10: 7-301-27617-6, 7301276176
ISBN-13: 978-7-301-27617-4, 9787301276174
Binding: softcover
Pages: 205
Shipping Weight: 450g
Size: 170mm x 240mm
Language: somplified Chinese
Year of Publication: 2017
Publisher: Peking University Press (北京大学出版社)
Wisdom in Communication - Cases and Analyses of International Chinese Teaching and Classroom Management. This book is a must-have reference resource for Chinese teachers. With 40 interesting real-life cases of problems and challenges of teaching Chinese abroad in elementary and secondary schools. Simplified Chinese edition.
目录 Contents
9. 如何遵守国际汉语课堂教学礼仪?
10. 同一个班级里学生的水平参差不齐,如何因材施教?
11. 学生经常晚交或不交作业,导致分数低,怎么办?
12. 如何让学生参与课堂,避免出现空闲时间?
13. 如何在教学中做到以学生为中心,因材施教?
14. 教师如何在教学中减少被干扰、讲课被打断的次数?
15. 如何纠正学生的错误而又不伤害他们的自信心?
16. 教师该不该对学生进行物质奖励?
17. 给学生讲故事也要讲究方法吗?
18. 初级汉语教学阶段如何培养学生目的语的交际技能?
19. 中文阅读课是否可以先“学”后“教”?
20. 如何在AP中文课中运用文化体验教学模式?
21. 小学低年级的科学课怎么上?
22. 教师在课堂上出错儿怎么办?
23. 老师为什么会被学生问“卡壳”呢?
24. 家长会上需要公布学生的学习或考试成绩吗?
25. 当家长听信学生的一面之词时,老师应该怎么办?
26. 如何面对家长对其孩子学习成绩差、分数低的抱怨?
27. 老师如何在课堂上控制自己的情绪,避免做出过激反应?
28. 如何与不配合、“难搞定”的家长沟通?
29. 鼓励鞭策学生的话语被误解为批评怎么办?
30. 教师讲课时容易忽视中外文化差异怎么办?
31. 学生不“尊师重道”怎么办?
32. 如何面对政治相关的敏感话题?
33. 教师可以接受家长、学生送的礼物吗?
34. 教师如何避免“祸从口出”?
35. 学生挑战中国传统教育观念怎么办?
36. 学生为何在中文课堂与其他学科课堂上的表现大相径庭?
37. 如何避免触及美国教育的“红线”?
38. 老师为什么被学生问得哑口无言?
39. 教师称呼、夸赞学生也有讲究吗?
40. 教师如何避免使用歧视性语言?