English Title: Teaching Foreigners Practical Chinese Grammar - Answers and Notes (Revised Edition)
Chinese Title: 对外汉语教学实用语法(修订本)练习参考答案及要解
ISBN-10: 7-5619-3317-7, 7561933177
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-3317-6, 9787561933176
Binding: softcover
Pages: 313
Shipping Weight: 510g
Size: 170mm x 238mm
Language: simplified Chinese
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press 北京语言文化大学出版社
This book contains the answers to the exercises and the grammar notes in Teaching Foreigners Practical Chinese Grammar (Revised Edition), which helps the users to study on their own or provides reference for teachers. Being concise and easy to understand, all the notes explain the specific grammar points. It will help users gain a more specific and pertinent understanding of Teaching Foreigners Practical Chinese Grammar and provide more convenience, help and reference for them.
本书是《对外汉语教学实用语法 修订本》一书的练习参考答案及语法要点解释,可以辅助广大使用者自学或用于教学参考。所有解释简明扼要,通俗易懂,是针对具体的语法现象的解释。本书会帮助广大使用者对《对外汉语教学实用语法》一书作更具体和更有针对性的理解,会为广大使用者带来更多的方便、帮助和参考效果。
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