Format: textbook with online audio
English Title: Short-Term Spoken Chinese Elemetary 2 (3rd Edition)
Chinese Title: 汉语口语速成 初级篇 (上) 第三版
ISBN-10: 7-30-126072-5, 7301260725
ISBN-13: 978-7-30-126072-2, 9787301260722
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 144
Shipping Weight: 400g
Size: 185mm x 260mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Language Skill: Speaking
Level: Elementary Chinese
Publisher: Peking University Press
Short-Term Spoken Chinese teaches students to speak beginning Chinese in a short period of time. This book has 12 lessons and each lesson consists of vocabulary, text, grammar, exercises, and more. This offer includes the textbook Short-Term Spoken Chinese - Elementary Vol. 2 [3rd Edition]. For this title is online audio available.
汉语口语速成 初级篇 (上) 第三版
汉语口语速成系列是为短期来华留学生编写的,以培养学生口语交际技能为主的一套系列课本。适合以6周及6周以下为教学周期的各等级短期班的教学使用,同时也可以作为一般进修教学的口语技能课教材和自学教材使用。全套课本共分 7 册,分别适应具有"汉语水平等级标准"初、中、高三级五个水平的留学生的短期学习需求。