Format: book + online audio (runtime: 75 minutes)
English Title: Reading Newspapers, Learning Chinese: A Course in Reading Chinese Newspapers and Periodicals - Intermediate Vol. 1 [New Edition]
Chinese Title: 新编读报纸学中文:汉语报刊阅读(中级·上)
ISBN-10: 7-301-25644-2, 7301256442
ISBN-13: 978-7-301-25644-2, 9787301256442
Binding: softcover
Pages: 248
Shipping Weight: 630g
Size: 208mm x 278mm
Publisher: Peking University Press (北京大学出版社)
This book is designed for intermediate level Chinese learners to prepare for reading Chinese newspapers and magazines. Material selection focus on fun and new ideas. Prior to the preparation of this teaching material, 130 middle-level students were asked to make questionnaires about the degree of interest in newspapers and periodicals, giving priority to the topics of interest to students, and at the same time, selected some articles that reflect the new emergence of China in recent years. New things reported, so that the textbook content is both interesting and full of new ideas.
第一课 走进休闲时代
第二课 健康新观念
第三课 学习制造两代人的战争
第四课 给公用筷子留个位置
第五课 一朵带刺的玫瑰
第六课 学习型社会正在走来
第七课 哪种求职方式最有效
第八课 警惕电子垃圾的危害
第九课 日记的秘密被妈妈发觉之后
第十课 纳米技术:带给人类的是什么
第十一课 如何对待特殊的面试
第十二课 议论纷纷——克隆人
第十三课 中小成本影片屡出黑马 国产大片去哪儿了
第十四课 摆正自己的位置
第十五课 生活在城里的农民工