English Title: Quanqiu Huayu Da Cidian [Chinese Edition]
Chinese Title: 全球华语大词典
ISBN-10: 7-10-012229-5, 7100122295
ISBN-13: 978-7-10-012229-0, 9787100122290
Pages: 2080
Shipping Weight: 2020g
Binding: hardcover
Language: simplified Chinese, Hanyu Pinyin
Size: 165mm x 245mm
Year of Publication: 2016
Publisher: The Commercial Press (商务印书馆)
This dictionary reflects the contemporary Chinese vocabulary of major Chinese speaking regions in the world.
- approximately 88,400 Chinese words included;
- specifies the area where the unique words are used and the synonyms;
- learn similarities and differences.
- 收录华语通用词语和特有词语约88400条
- 注明特有词语的使用地区和异名词语
- 同异兼收,展示丰富多样的华语词汇
- 知同察异,共建包容和谐的语文生活