Chinese Title: 新丝路 - 商务汉语写作教程
ISBN-10: 7-301-15161-6, 7301151616
ISBN-13: 978-7-301-15161-7, 9787301151617
Binding: softcover
Shipping Weight: 450g
Pages: 142
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin and English with new words only
Year of Publiaction: 2009
Publisher: Peking University Press (北京大学出版社)
The book is a textbook for the Business Chinese Test Writing Test and presents the content to the reader in a simple and clear way to familiarize them with it as quickly as possible. Simplified Chinese edition, the vocabulary is introduced with Pinyin and English translation.
新丝路 - 商务汉语写作教程I