Format: book + MP3-CD
English Title: New Silk Road Business Chinese - Elementary Speed-Up Business Chinese Vol. 1
Chinese Title: 新丝路 - 初级速成商务汉语 I
ISBN-10: 7-301-13717-6, 7301137176
ISBN-13: 978-7-301-13717-8, 9787301137178
Binding: softcover
Shipping Weight: 450g
Pages: 134
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Year of Publication: 2009
Publisher: Peking University Press (北京大学出版社)
New Silk Road Chinese Business - Elementary Speed-Up Business Chinese Vol. 1 [+ MP3-CD]. This book is the first in two elementary level volumes designed for Chinese beginners. After completing these two volumes, learners can use Chinese to conduct daily conversations and conduct simple business activities. With MP3-CD.
新丝路 - 初级速成商务汉语 I
本书的特色可以 “实用、有趣、灵活、新颖” 这四个词语来概括:
1. 紧密结合商务汉语考试(BCT)大纲安排教学内容。
2. 突破教材的固有模式,根据所学内容的不同来安排课文的结构和内容。
3. 围绕商务人士的日常生活、商务活动编写短小精炼的对话和短文。
4. 课文及练习中采用大量的图片、图表。
5. 练习形式丰富多样,并突出加强听说技能训练。
6. 提供与商务活动相关的背景、文化知识介绍。