English Title: Monkey King Chinese - School-Age Edition - Word Cards (Level 1)
Chinese Title: 美猴王汉语 词语卡片1
ISBN-10: 7-5619-1629-9, 7561916299
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-1629-2, 9787561916292
Binding: Softcover
Pages: 156
Shipping Weight: 680g
Size: 185mm x 205mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
78 large full colour word cards to accompany Monkey King Chinese 1A and 1B. The words are listed in simplified characters, pinyin and English translation (on the back).
美猴王汉语 词语卡片1
与《美猴王汉语(少儿)》1A、 1B配套使用,该书收入《美猴王汉语(少儿)》1级A、B两本书中所有生词,共78个。卡片正面为彩色,包括插图、汉字与拼音,背面为该生词的英文注释。卡片配有目录,帮助读者第一时间了解整本书所有生词内容。卡片采用亚光铜版纸印刷,方便折叠,教师授课使用时可根据具体情况对插图、汉字和拼音部分进行折叠。索线装订,可拆分单独分页使用。