Format: book + MP3-CD
English Title: Mastering Chinese Characters: A Modern Approach (+MP3-CD)
Chinese Title: 汉字图解学习手册(附MP3光盘)
ISBN-10: 7-100-10394-0, 7100103940
ISBN-13: 978-7-100-10394-7, 9787100103947
Author/Editor: David Su Liqun
Binding: softcover
Pages: 327
Shipping Weight: 380g
Size: 130mm x 186mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Publisher: The Commercial Press (商务印书馆)
Mastering Chinese Characters - A Modern Approach is a unique approach to mastering 300 basic characters. Special cartoon drawings for each character aid recollection. The formation of each character is learned by the novel method of listening to and repeating a catchphrase. Students on average learn each character within 5 minutes. Bilingual Chinese-English with MP3-CD.