Main page » Learn Chinese » Textbooks by Age Group » Chinese for Children/Teenagers » Magic Mirror - PEP High Five - Pre-school Illustrated Chinese for Kids - Level One - Book 3. ISBN: 9787107212802

Magic Mirror - PEP High Five - Pre-school Illustrated Chinese for Kids - Level One - Book 3. ISBN: 9787107212802
English Title: Magic Mirror - PEP High Five - Pre-school Illustrated Chinese for Kids - Level One - Book 3
Chinese Title: 哈哈镜 PEPHighFive 幼儿图画汉语 第一级 第三册
ISBN-10: 7-107-21280-X, 710721280X
ISBN-13: 978-7-107-21280-2, 9787107212802
Pages: 32
Binding: Softcover
Shipping Weight: 200g
Size: 210mm x 280mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Publisher: People's Education Press (人民教育出版社)
This volume of PEP High Five Pre-school Illustrated Chinese for Kids is level 1, book 3 of the series. The children can search for noses, ears, hands, feet etc. of different animals and have so much fun. With corresponding exercises, in Chinese and English with Hanyu Pinyin. Includes stickers.
The PEP High Five Pre-school Illustrated Chinese for Kids is a product created collaboratively by the People’s Education Press (PEP), Chinese language experts, and pre-school educators in Canada and China. Being structured according to the Outcome-based Education (OBE) theory, it is a series of bilingual books that target pre-school Chinese language learners ages 2 to 6 and whose native language is English. It may also be used by children in China who are learning English as a second language.
This series includes four levels and each level includes four books. It has many positive features that enhance learning. Some of these features are:
- Clearly stated reading, behavioral, and social objectives that students are expected to reach at each reading stage;
- Exciting and engaging reading material that cover all of the learning objectives;
- Easy-to-use assessment standards and activities;
- Interactive and fun student worksheets and activities;
- Content that allows students to work at their own pace and according to their own individual language ability;
- Colorful and inspiring artwork that aids in the students’ reading comprehension.
The authors of the series are Ms. Jennifer Sun (Canada), Mr. Alex Shirran (Canada) and Dr. Bai Lian (China). With children’s illustrations by nine-year-old Kevin, Enmu Xing. The editor of this series is Mr. Chang Zhidan. Reviewers are Mr. Wang Shiyou and Mr. Zheng Wangquan. Illustrations are by JINBAO Art Workshop.
《PEP High Five幼儿图画汉语》是人民教育出版社与中国、加拿大两国汉语和学前教育专家合作的结晶,根据“以结果为基础”的教育理念设计。这套汉英双语系列丛书供2岁~6岁以英语为母语的幼儿汉语学习者使用,也可供国内幼儿学习英语使用。
- 明确幼儿汉语学习者每级应该达到的阅读、行为和社会交往目标;
- 阅读材料具有很强的趣味性和参与性;
- 评估手段和学习活动的操作简单明了;
- 练习及活动互动有趣;
- 内容灵活,适合学习者根据自身的语言能力和进度进行学习;
- 插图精美,富有启发性,有助于促进学习者对内容的理解。
本丛书的作者是Jennifer Sun女士(加拿大)、Alex Shirran先生(加拿大)和白莲博士(中国)。责任编辑常志丹。审稿王世友、郑旺全。插图绘制金葆工作室。邢恩沐(Kevin)小朋友提供部分插图创意。
Chinese Title: 哈哈镜 PEPHighFive 幼儿图画汉语 第一级 第三册
ISBN-10: 7-107-21280-X, 710721280X
ISBN-13: 978-7-107-21280-2, 9787107212802
Pages: 32
Binding: Softcover
Shipping Weight: 200g
Size: 210mm x 280mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Publisher: People's Education Press (人民教育出版社)
This volume of PEP High Five Pre-school Illustrated Chinese for Kids is level 1, book 3 of the series. The children can search for noses, ears, hands, feet etc. of different animals and have so much fun. With corresponding exercises, in Chinese and English with Hanyu Pinyin. Includes stickers.
The PEP High Five Pre-school Illustrated Chinese for Kids is a product created collaboratively by the People’s Education Press (PEP), Chinese language experts, and pre-school educators in Canada and China. Being structured according to the Outcome-based Education (OBE) theory, it is a series of bilingual books that target pre-school Chinese language learners ages 2 to 6 and whose native language is English. It may also be used by children in China who are learning English as a second language.
This series includes four levels and each level includes four books. It has many positive features that enhance learning. Some of these features are:
- Clearly stated reading, behavioral, and social objectives that students are expected to reach at each reading stage;
- Exciting and engaging reading material that cover all of the learning objectives;
- Easy-to-use assessment standards and activities;
- Interactive and fun student worksheets and activities;
- Content that allows students to work at their own pace and according to their own individual language ability;
- Colorful and inspiring artwork that aids in the students’ reading comprehension.
The authors of the series are Ms. Jennifer Sun (Canada), Mr. Alex Shirran (Canada) and Dr. Bai Lian (China). With children’s illustrations by nine-year-old Kevin, Enmu Xing. The editor of this series is Mr. Chang Zhidan. Reviewers are Mr. Wang Shiyou and Mr. Zheng Wangquan. Illustrations are by JINBAO Art Workshop.
《PEP High Five幼儿图画汉语》是人民教育出版社与中国、加拿大两国汉语和学前教育专家合作的结晶,根据“以结果为基础”的教育理念设计。这套汉英双语系列丛书供2岁~6岁以英语为母语的幼儿汉语学习者使用,也可供国内幼儿学习英语使用。
- 明确幼儿汉语学习者每级应该达到的阅读、行为和社会交往目标;
- 阅读材料具有很强的趣味性和参与性;
- 评估手段和学习活动的操作简单明了;
- 练习及活动互动有趣;
- 内容灵活,适合学习者根据自身的语言能力和进度进行学习;
- 插图精美,富有启发性,有助于促进学习者对内容的理解。
本丛书的作者是Jennifer Sun女士(加拿大)、Alex Shirran先生(加拿大)和白莲博士(中国)。责任编辑常志丹。审稿王世友、郑旺全。插图绘制金葆工作室。邢恩沐(Kevin)小朋友提供部分插图创意。