Magic Chinese - Intermediate Level Oral Chinese
This is an intermediate level Chinese teaching material edited for the short term international students in China. It is divided into two volumes, each containing 10 lessons. The 1st volume is suitable for the learners who have mastered about 600 words, while the 2nd volume for those who know about 1000 words.This book maintains the stylistic rules and layout of Magic Chinese-Elementary Level Oral Chinese, and is organized according to the theme of communicating functions and topics. The editors select the most ordinary scenes for foreigners living and studying in China, and compile the conversations with the activities of five main characters.This book is marked by its practicality, lively style, novelty and diversity in exercises.
魔力汉语 - 中级汉语口语
魔力汉语 - 中级汉语口语是为来中国短期留学的外国人编写的中级汉语教材,分上下两册,各10课。上册供掌握了600个左右词汇的学习者使用,下册适用于掌握了1000个左右词汇的学习者。本书延续《魔力汉语?初级汉语口语》的编写体例及风格,以交际功能和话题为纲组织内容,选取外国人在中国学习、生活时经常会遇到的情景,通过五个主要人物的活动来组织会话。本书具有实用性强、生动活泼、内容新颖、练习多样化等特点。