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![Jump High - Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Vol. 2. ISBN: 9787561933343 Jump High - Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Vol. 2. ISBN: 9787561933343](images/product_images/popup_images/4584-0.jpg)
Jump High - Selected Readings of Classical Chinese Vol. 2. ISBN: 9787561933343
English Title: Jump High - Selected Readings of Classical Chinese (Vol. 2)
Chinese Title: 汉语 纵横 古文选读(下)
ISBN-10: 7-5619-3334-7, 7561933347
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-3334-3, 9787561933343
Binding: softcover
Pages: 116
Shipping Weight: 320g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, partially pinyin
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
The Selected Readings of Classical Chinese in the series Jump High—A Systematic Chinese Course (II) includes 15 lessons, with a total of 17 texts, which are mainly fables taken from various classics from the Pre-Qin period in the Chinese history. The texts are of moderate difficulty and cover various subjects, such as military affairs, politics, debate and education in ancient times, which make the book both informative and interesting.
The book is well structured, with each lesson divided into five parts, namely "text", "title interpretation", "word notes", "grammar explanations" and "exercises", through which the words, expressions, grammar points and cultural backgrounds relevant to the text are comprehensively introduced and reinforced.
At the end of the book, there is a final test and its reference answers, the modern Chinese version of all the texts and an index to functional words provided to assist with classroom teaching and after-class study.
It is suggested that four class hours be devoted to the book each week so that it can be finished within one academic semester.
汉语 纵横 古文选读(下)
《汉语 纵横 古文选读》(下)共15课,17篇课文,以先秦各家经典中的寓言故事为主,难度适中,内容涉及古代军事、政治、教育等,兼具知识性和趣味性。
《汉语 纵横 古文选读》属于北京师范大学“留学生本科选修课系列教材”,分上、下两册,适用于具备中级以上汉语水平(来华学习一年半以上)的留学生。教材的编创具有以下特点:
1. 选题成系列,经过教学实践打磨。选修课系列教材目前计划出版16册,分汉语语言、中国文学、中国文化三大课程板块,每册教材在出版前都经过6轮以上的试用、修改,具有较强的可用性。
2. 专业性与通俗性平衡。教材的编者都具备良好的专业背景,同时具有多年对外汉语教学的丰富经验,能够较好地把握教材的专业性与通俗性的平衡。
Chinese Title: 汉语 纵横 古文选读(下)
ISBN-10: 7-5619-3334-7, 7561933347
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-3334-3, 9787561933343
Binding: softcover
Pages: 116
Shipping Weight: 320g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, partially pinyin
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
The Selected Readings of Classical Chinese in the series Jump High—A Systematic Chinese Course (II) includes 15 lessons, with a total of 17 texts, which are mainly fables taken from various classics from the Pre-Qin period in the Chinese history. The texts are of moderate difficulty and cover various subjects, such as military affairs, politics, debate and education in ancient times, which make the book both informative and interesting.
The book is well structured, with each lesson divided into five parts, namely "text", "title interpretation", "word notes", "grammar explanations" and "exercises", through which the words, expressions, grammar points and cultural backgrounds relevant to the text are comprehensively introduced and reinforced.
At the end of the book, there is a final test and its reference answers, the modern Chinese version of all the texts and an index to functional words provided to assist with classroom teaching and after-class study.
It is suggested that four class hours be devoted to the book each week so that it can be finished within one academic semester.
汉语 纵横 古文选读(下)
《汉语 纵横 古文选读》(下)共15课,17篇课文,以先秦各家经典中的寓言故事为主,难度适中,内容涉及古代军事、政治、教育等,兼具知识性和趣味性。
《汉语 纵横 古文选读》属于北京师范大学“留学生本科选修课系列教材”,分上、下两册,适用于具备中级以上汉语水平(来华学习一年半以上)的留学生。教材的编创具有以下特点:
1. 选题成系列,经过教学实践打磨。选修课系列教材目前计划出版16册,分汉语语言、中国文学、中国文化三大课程板块,每册教材在出版前都经过6轮以上的试用、修改,具有较强的可用性。
2. 专业性与通俗性平衡。教材的编者都具备良好的专业背景,同时具有多年对外汉语教学的丰富经验,能够较好地把握教材的专业性与通俗性的平衡。