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Jump High - Reading Idioms. ISBN: 9787561956991
English Title: Jump High - Reading Idioms
Chinese Title: 汉语·纵横 成语读本
ISBN-10: 7-5619-5699-1, 7561956991
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-5699-1, 9787561956991
Author/Editor: Ma Yanhua (马燕华)
Binding: softcover
Pages: 159
Shipping Weight: 410g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, some Pinyin
Year of Publication: 2022
Empfohlenes Niveau: sehr fortgeschrittene Chinesischlernende
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culture University Press 北京语言文化大学出版社
Jump High - Reading Idioms is an elective textbook for foreign senior undergraduates majoring in Chinese language and literature in China. It can also be used as a textbook for senior foreign graduates of Chinese major. 180 idioms are analyzed and explained in detail in this book. When explaining the meanings of the idioms, this book provides the necessary pragmatic information to help students understand and use idioms correctly. Some idioms are provided with allusions (Classical Chinese text) and their translations in modern Chinese. Each idiom is provided with a certain number of example sentences to illustrate how idioms are used in real-life situations. Abundant exercises and a final test with answers are included, with a list of all idioms in the appendix. Recommended to use for of advanced Chinese learners.
About the Author
Ma Yanhua, Professor of Beijing Normal University, was the Director of the Phonetic Teaching and Research Lab. She is a reviewer of National Social Science Fund of China and a subject specialist in the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.
Editorial Review
· The idioms carefully selected are based on the four important syllabuses in the field of international Chinese language education;
· The “Idiom Tips” section enhances students’ understanding of idioms;
· Some idioms are provided with allusions and translations in modern Chinese to help students better understand them;
· The meanings of the idioms are accurately explained and their differences in the past and the present are explained and analyzed;
· The “Pragmatic Tips” section is designed for each item to help students correctly use idioms;
· A number of example sentences are provided to illustrate the different usages of idioms;
· The exercises are well-targeted and abundant.
It is recommended to use the book as an elective textbook in the senior year. Each lesson is recommended to take 4-5 class hours.
汉语·纵横 成语读本
《汉语·纵横 成语读本》是为在中国高等学校就读汉语言文学专业的外国高年级本科生编写的选修课教材,也可以作为外国高年级汉语进修生的选修课教材。全书详细分析、讲解的180个成语,绝大部分选自《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》《高等学校外国留学生汉语言专业教学大纲》《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》,优先选择四个大纲相重合的成语。
马燕华 北京师范大学教授,曾担任北京师范大学汉语文化学院语音教研室主任,为国家社科基金评议专家、香港学术及职业资历评审行业/学科专家。
· 以国际中文教育领域四个标志性大纲为依据精选成语
· 设置“成语小知识”板块,加深学生对成语的了解
· 部分成语提供典故出处,配有现代汉语翻译,帮助学生更好地理解成语
· 准确讲解成语语义,注重解析成语构成成分古今意义的差别
· 逐条设立“语用提示”,指导学生正确使用成语
· 例句丰富,展示成语的不同用法
· 练习针对性强,题量充足
Chinese Title: 汉语·纵横 成语读本
ISBN-10: 7-5619-5699-1, 7561956991
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-5699-1, 9787561956991
Author/Editor: Ma Yanhua (马燕华)
Binding: softcover
Pages: 159
Shipping Weight: 410g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, some Pinyin
Year of Publication: 2022
Empfohlenes Niveau: sehr fortgeschrittene Chinesischlernende
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culture University Press 北京语言文化大学出版社
Jump High - Reading Idioms is an elective textbook for foreign senior undergraduates majoring in Chinese language and literature in China. It can also be used as a textbook for senior foreign graduates of Chinese major. 180 idioms are analyzed and explained in detail in this book. When explaining the meanings of the idioms, this book provides the necessary pragmatic information to help students understand and use idioms correctly. Some idioms are provided with allusions (Classical Chinese text) and their translations in modern Chinese. Each idiom is provided with a certain number of example sentences to illustrate how idioms are used in real-life situations. Abundant exercises and a final test with answers are included, with a list of all idioms in the appendix. Recommended to use for of advanced Chinese learners.
About the Author
Ma Yanhua, Professor of Beijing Normal University, was the Director of the Phonetic Teaching and Research Lab. She is a reviewer of National Social Science Fund of China and a subject specialist in the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.
Editorial Review
· The idioms carefully selected are based on the four important syllabuses in the field of international Chinese language education;
· The “Idiom Tips” section enhances students’ understanding of idioms;
· Some idioms are provided with allusions and translations in modern Chinese to help students better understand them;
· The meanings of the idioms are accurately explained and their differences in the past and the present are explained and analyzed;
· The “Pragmatic Tips” section is designed for each item to help students correctly use idioms;
· A number of example sentences are provided to illustrate the different usages of idioms;
· The exercises are well-targeted and abundant.
It is recommended to use the book as an elective textbook in the senior year. Each lesson is recommended to take 4-5 class hours.
汉语·纵横 成语读本
《汉语·纵横 成语读本》是为在中国高等学校就读汉语言文学专业的外国高年级本科生编写的选修课教材,也可以作为外国高年级汉语进修生的选修课教材。全书详细分析、讲解的180个成语,绝大部分选自《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》《高等学校外国留学生汉语言专业教学大纲》《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》《国际中文教育中文水平等级标准》,优先选择四个大纲相重合的成语。
马燕华 北京师范大学教授,曾担任北京师范大学汉语文化学院语音教研室主任,为国家社科基金评议专家、香港学术及职业资历评审行业/学科专家。
· 以国际中文教育领域四个标志性大纲为依据精选成语
· 设置“成语小知识”板块,加深学生对成语的了解
· 部分成语提供典故出处,配有现代汉语翻译,帮助学生更好地理解成语
· 准确讲解成语语义,注重解析成语构成成分古今意义的差别
· 逐条设立“语用提示”,指导学生正确使用成语
· 例句丰富,展示成语的不同用法
· 练习针对性强,题量充足