Main page » Learn Chinese » Chinese Textbook Series » Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students » Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students - Listening 2. ISBN: 9787561954904

Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students - Listening 2. ISBN: 9787561954904
English Title: Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students - Listening 2
Chinese Title: 预科汉语强化教程系列 听力课本2
ISBN-10: 7-56-195490-5, 7561954905
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195490-4, 9787561954904
Binding: softcover
Pages: 214
Shipping Weight: 610g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Year of Publication: 2019
Link: online audio
Publisher: Beijing Languag and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students - Listening vol. 2. With recording script and answer keys in the appendix. This book includes free online audio.
Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students Listening - the series description
Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students Listening is a series of beginner/intermediate level listening textbooks which is consistent with the HSK Syllabus and Final Test for the Pre-University International Students Founded by the Chinese Government Scholarship. This series shows the teaching idea of “combining learning with testing” and can not only be used as Chinese textbook for pre-university students who study science, engineering, literature and history in China, it can also be used as textbooks for beginner/intermediate level students who come to China for long-term language training. It is also suitable for learners of Chinese who want to pass HSK levels 1-5.
预科汉语强化教程系列 听力课本
《预科汉语强化教程系列 听力课本》是一套紧扣《HSK考试大纲》和《中国政府奖学金本科来华留学生预科教育结业 考试》大纲, 实现 “即学即用” 和 “学考结合” 教学思想的初、中级汉语听力教材。本教材既可作为来华学习理工类、文史类本科专业预科生的汉语听力课本,也可作为来华长期语言进修生初、中级阶段的汉语听力课本,亦适用于希望通过HSK考试一至五级的汉语学习者。
Chinese Title: 预科汉语强化教程系列 听力课本2
ISBN-10: 7-56-195490-5, 7561954905
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195490-4, 9787561954904
Binding: softcover
Pages: 214
Shipping Weight: 610g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Year of Publication: 2019
Link: online audio
Publisher: Beijing Languag and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students - Listening vol. 2. With recording script and answer keys in the appendix. This book includes free online audio.
Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students Listening - the series description
Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students Listening is a series of beginner/intermediate level listening textbooks which is consistent with the HSK Syllabus and Final Test for the Pre-University International Students Founded by the Chinese Government Scholarship. This series shows the teaching idea of “combining learning with testing” and can not only be used as Chinese textbook for pre-university students who study science, engineering, literature and history in China, it can also be used as textbooks for beginner/intermediate level students who come to China for long-term language training. It is also suitable for learners of Chinese who want to pass HSK levels 1-5.
预科汉语强化教程系列 听力课本
《预科汉语强化教程系列 听力课本》是一套紧扣《HSK考试大纲》和《中国政府奖学金本科来华留学生预科教育结业 考试》大纲, 实现 “即学即用” 和 “学考结合” 教学思想的初、中级汉语听力教材。本教材既可作为来华学习理工类、文史类本科专业预科生的汉语听力课本,也可作为来华长期语言进修生初、中级阶段的汉语听力课本,亦适用于希望通过HSK考试一至五级的汉语学习者。