Main page » Chinese Dictionaries » Chinese-German » German-Chinese Chinese-German Dictionary to Study Abroad. ISBN: 9787513500616

German-Chinese Chinese-German Dictionary to Study Abroad. ISBN: 9787513500616
German Title: Deutsch-Chinesisch Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch für das Auslandsstudium
Chinese Title: 德汉汉德留学词典
ISBN-10: 7-51-350061-4, 7513500614
ISBN-13: 978-7-51-350061-6, 9787513500616
Binding: softcover
Pages: 760
Shipping Weight: 850g
Size: 152mm x 227mm
Language: simplified Chinese, German
Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学于研究出版社)
This is a special dictionary, the German-Chinese part is targeted at Chinese who plan to study in German-speaking countries or who work or do research in institutions in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Furthermore, this part is also suitable for sinologists with German as their native language (Hanyu Pinyin is not given in this part though). The Chinese-German part of this dictionary is targeted at German-speaking students who are studying, researching or working in China, but is also of interest to Chinese Germanists and specialist interpreters and translators. The vocabulary, which has been completely re-edited in this dictionary, is the core of the vocabulary of university organization and administration that is insufficiently or incorrectly considered in most dictionaries. Above all you will find the Chinese and German names of the various specialist disciplines as well as important interdisciplinary terms and important expressions from the school system. However, the aim is not also to capture the everyday vocabulary. The German-Chinese part contains about 10500 keywords. The Chinese-German part includes about 12500 entries.
- 德汉部分收词10500条,汉德部分收词12500条;
- 以大学行政机构和专业分科方面的词汇为核心,兼收了普通教育领域的重要词汇和日常生活的基本词汇;
- 释义精准,避免因社会、文化以及教育体制的差异而引起的误译;
- 附录提供了德国、奥地利、瑞士以及中国各大学的基本信息,简明实用。
目录 Inhalt
前言 Vorwort
德汉部分 Deutsch-chinesischer Teil
汉德部分 Chinesisch-deutscher Teil
附录部分 Anhang
附录一 德国大学目录 Deutsches Hochschulverzeichnis
附录二 奥地利大学目录 Österreichisches Hochschulverzeichnis
附录三 瑞士德语区大学目录 Hochschulverzeichnis der deutschsprachigen Schweiz
附录四 德国大学预科学校目录 Verzeichnis der deutschen Studienkollegs
附录五 德国主要基金会目录 Verzeichnis der ausgewählten deutschen Stiftungen
附录六 中国部分高校名录 Chinesisches Hochschulverzeichnis
参考文献 Literaturverzeichnis
Chinese Title: 德汉汉德留学词典
ISBN-10: 7-51-350061-4, 7513500614
ISBN-13: 978-7-51-350061-6, 9787513500616
Binding: softcover
Pages: 760
Shipping Weight: 850g
Size: 152mm x 227mm
Language: simplified Chinese, German
Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (外语教学于研究出版社)
This is a special dictionary, the German-Chinese part is targeted at Chinese who plan to study in German-speaking countries or who work or do research in institutions in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Furthermore, this part is also suitable for sinologists with German as their native language (Hanyu Pinyin is not given in this part though). The Chinese-German part of this dictionary is targeted at German-speaking students who are studying, researching or working in China, but is also of interest to Chinese Germanists and specialist interpreters and translators. The vocabulary, which has been completely re-edited in this dictionary, is the core of the vocabulary of university organization and administration that is insufficiently or incorrectly considered in most dictionaries. Above all you will find the Chinese and German names of the various specialist disciplines as well as important interdisciplinary terms and important expressions from the school system. However, the aim is not also to capture the everyday vocabulary. The German-Chinese part contains about 10500 keywords. The Chinese-German part includes about 12500 entries.
- 德汉部分收词10500条,汉德部分收词12500条;
- 以大学行政机构和专业分科方面的词汇为核心,兼收了普通教育领域的重要词汇和日常生活的基本词汇;
- 释义精准,避免因社会、文化以及教育体制的差异而引起的误译;
- 附录提供了德国、奥地利、瑞士以及中国各大学的基本信息,简明实用。
目录 Inhalt
前言 Vorwort
德汉部分 Deutsch-chinesischer Teil
汉德部分 Chinesisch-deutscher Teil
附录部分 Anhang
附录一 德国大学目录 Deutsches Hochschulverzeichnis
附录二 奥地利大学目录 Österreichisches Hochschulverzeichnis
附录三 瑞士德语区大学目录 Hochschulverzeichnis der deutschsprachigen Schweiz
附录四 德国大学预科学校目录 Verzeichnis der deutschen Studienkollegs
附录五 德国主要基金会目录 Verzeichnis der ausgewählten deutschen Stiftungen
附录六 中国部分高校名录 Chinesisches Hochschulverzeichnis
参考文献 Literaturverzeichnis