Chinese Title: 尔雅中文:新闻视听(下)
ISBN-10: 7-56-193428-9, 7561934289
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-193428-9, 9787561934289
Binding: softcover
Pages: 298
Shipping Weight: 710g
Size: 208mm x 284mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin, English
Link: online audio
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Erya Chinese - Communication: Task-Based Intermediate Spoken Chinese I.
Usage Advice
6 class hours for each of the 9 units
Erya Chinese is a BLCU series of textbooks for college students majoring in the Chinese language. Communication is a subseries of Erya Chinese, focusing on listening and speaking. Targeted at the speaking course for sophomores, it breaks through the traditional mode of textbook compilation, with the task-based teaching concept observed throughout the books and the design of the books complying with the steps of teaching. It is characterized by practical content, abundant activities, excellent texts and pictures and a combination of watching, listening and speaking.
All the new words in the book are provided with English translations, every task is supported by full-color pictures, and the design of the book caters to individual needs. Scan the QR-code at the back of the book to get the audio.
About the AuthorMs. Zhao Lei is an associate professor in the College of Chinese Studies, Beijing Language and Culture University. Ms. Zhao research interests lie in the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and focus on speaking and listening. She has published textbooks such as Intermediate Chinese Listening & Speaking, International Business Chinese and Course of Chinese Characters and many academic papers on task-based teaching.
尔雅中文:沟通—任务型中级汉语口语 (上)
【作 者】赵雷 主编
【ISBN 13 】9787561934289
【课 型】口语
【范围分类】外国人学汉语 - 来华留学汉语教材(学历教育) - 口语
● 通过任务把输入和输出自然地关联起来,让学习者在运用语言的过程中不断建构、丰富自身的汉语口头表达系统,全面提高口头表达能力。
● 在单元话题这根主线下,在任务前、任务中、任务后各环节适时关注语言形式,为学生完成任务提供工具箱、资源包和脚手架,把内容和形式有机地融合起来,提高学生口语表达的准确度、流利度、复杂度。
● 通过音、像、图、文相结合的多样的任务设计,逐步引导,层层推进,把过程和目标艺术地统一起来,有步骤地实现口语教学目标。
● 通过多种手段关注对学生学习策略和自我管理能力的培养,激励学生不断进步。
赵雷,北京语言大学汉语学院副教授,研究方向为对外汉语教学,主要集中在口语、听力等方面。出版《中级汉语听和说》、《国际商务汉语》、《汉字教程》等等多部汉语 教材,发表多篇任务型教学方面的学术论文。