Main page » Learn Chinese » Textbooks by Level » Advanced Chinese » Erya Chinese: China's International Business and Trade. ISBN: 9787561953969

Erya Chinese: China's International Business and Trade. ISBN: 9787561953969
English Title: Erya Chinese: China's International Business and Trade
Chinese Title: 尔雅中文:中国对外经济贸易
ISBN-10: 7-56-195396-8, 7561953968
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195396-9, 9787561953969
Binding: softcover
Pages: 157
Shipping Weight: 440g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
This textbook introduces the history of China’s opening-up, China’s strategy of developing foreign trade and policy of absorbing foreign investment, the role and function of foreign trade and foreign investment in China, the practice and status quo of China’s foreign trade, and the solutions to and countermeasures against the problems existing in the field of foreign trade.
This textbook on the one hand has referred to former teaching materials and books, and on the other hand has added plenty of latest data and hot issues as well as relevant practices and cases by consulting websites related to international trade and of government departments, aiming at helping international students learn more about the development of China’s foreign business and trade and prepare them for their work in the future.
This book is suitable for foreigners who have been studying Chinese for more than two years and have mastered over 2,500 common Chinese words, Chinese language learners whose Chinese proficiency equals HSK 5 or above and who can read Chinese newspapers, magazines and engage in extensive discussions about economics, as well as businesspeople and managers engaged in trade with Chinese companies.
1. 理论与实践密切联系,力求避免空泛地介绍理论,重视留学生对中国对外经贸领域发展状况的了解和掌握
2. 把中国的贸易政策与世界贸易组织的规则密切结合,使留学生对中国贸易政策的改革方向一目了然,便于其以后实际经贸工作的开展;
3. 具有很强的时效性和鲜明的现实性,尽量反映中国最新的经贸动态,有助于激发留学生的学习兴趣;
4. 内容结构力求完整,提供思考型的素材,供留学生作进一步的研究与学习,促进其开展经贸工作能力的培养;
5. 内容相对精炼,分别从开放篇、政策篇、贸易篇和投资篇四个方面来介绍中国经济,结构脉络清晰,便于留学生系统学习和掌握;
6. 本教材充分考虑留学生的汉语水平,语言简明扼要、通俗易懂。
Chinese Title: 尔雅中文:中国对外经济贸易
ISBN-10: 7-56-195396-8, 7561953968
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195396-9, 9787561953969
Binding: softcover
Pages: 157
Shipping Weight: 440g
Size: 210mm x 285mm
Language: simplified Chinese
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
This textbook introduces the history of China’s opening-up, China’s strategy of developing foreign trade and policy of absorbing foreign investment, the role and function of foreign trade and foreign investment in China, the practice and status quo of China’s foreign trade, and the solutions to and countermeasures against the problems existing in the field of foreign trade.
This textbook on the one hand has referred to former teaching materials and books, and on the other hand has added plenty of latest data and hot issues as well as relevant practices and cases by consulting websites related to international trade and of government departments, aiming at helping international students learn more about the development of China’s foreign business and trade and prepare them for their work in the future.
This book is suitable for foreigners who have been studying Chinese for more than two years and have mastered over 2,500 common Chinese words, Chinese language learners whose Chinese proficiency equals HSK 5 or above and who can read Chinese newspapers, magazines and engage in extensive discussions about economics, as well as businesspeople and managers engaged in trade with Chinese companies.
1. 理论与实践密切联系,力求避免空泛地介绍理论,重视留学生对中国对外经贸领域发展状况的了解和掌握
2. 把中国的贸易政策与世界贸易组织的规则密切结合,使留学生对中国贸易政策的改革方向一目了然,便于其以后实际经贸工作的开展;
3. 具有很强的时效性和鲜明的现实性,尽量反映中国最新的经贸动态,有助于激发留学生的学习兴趣;
4. 内容结构力求完整,提供思考型的素材,供留学生作进一步的研究与学习,促进其开展经贸工作能力的培养;
5. 内容相对精炼,分别从开放篇、政策篇、贸易篇和投资篇四个方面来介绍中国经济,结构脉络清晰,便于留学生系统学习和掌握;
6. 本教材充分考虑留学生的汉语水平,语言简明扼要、通俗易懂。