Format: 4 books + audio download
English Title: Cool Panda - Level 1 - Numbers + Colors [4 books]
Chinese Title: 少儿汉语教学资源 数字与颜色 (共4册)
ISBN-10: 7-04-041239-X, 704041239X
ISBN-13: 978-7-04-041239-0, 9787040412390
Binding: softcover
Pages: 20-25 pages each volume
Shipping Weight: 430g
Size: 185mm x 214mm
Language: simplified Chinese, English, pinyin only with new words
Audio: Mandarin Chinese, English
Publisher: Higher Education Press (高等教育出版社)
Cool Panda Chinese Language Teaching Resources for Kids is suitable for oversea young learners. The series has taken various Chinese teaching curriculum and guidelines into consideration, and designed models by more then 30 topics and themes, which includes numbers, colors, animals, family, society, science and Chinese culture etc. This is the numbers and colors volume, including 4 books and audio download. You can find the download links further down this page, to listen to the audio files, please unzip the downloaded files.
少儿汉语教学资源 数字与颜色 (共4册)
少儿读物是美国COOL PANDA少儿汉语教学资源的产品之一,主要适用于北美Pre-K及K阶段(4—5岁儿童)的课堂教学和课后阅读,也适用海内外学龄前各类小读者的自主阅读。本选题是“数字与颜色”话题的少儿读物合集,包含《喜欢气球的小猪》《神秘的客人》《五颜六色》《彩色的地球》4本故事。
Im Set enthaltene Titel 目录
The Piggy Who Likes Balloons 喜欢气球的小猪
Audio Download
Ducklings Cross the Road 小鸭过马路
Audio Download
Colorful Colors 五颜六色
Audio Download
Colorful Earth 彩色的地球
Audio Download