This is a guidance book written to help foreigners to learn the Chinese measure words. 187 such words are included. Different meanings and collocations are listed under each word, and example sentences are given to most of the words. Some confusing measure words are compared and analyzed. All the words and example sentences have the phonetic notation and English translation.
汉语学习手边册丛书: 汉语量词学习手册 (汉英对照)
方便外国学生学习是我们编写《汉语量词学习手册》时的首要原则。因此,本书的正文部分列出了: 量词的不同义项;每个义项下面列举出许多词语;大部分量词都配有多个例句;并对部分容易混淆的量词进行了辨析。考虑到一些初学者不认识汉字,该书在所有词语和例句后面都标有拼音和英文注释,量词的每个义项也都注有英文翻译。为了便于学生了解自己学习量词前后的水平,本书在正文前边设有[自测练习题],书尾还列出五套练习题,供读者使用。另外,本书附有[名词量词搭配表]。