English Title: Chinese Culture [3rd Edition]
Chinese Title: 中国文化(第3版)
ISBN-10: 7-56-195220-1, 7561952201
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195220-7, 9787561952207
Binding: softcover
Pages: 314
Shipping Weight: 610g
Size: 184mm x 259mm
Language: simplified Chinese, pinyin (vocabulary only)
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press
Chinese Culture mainly teaches Chinese cultural knowledge, assisting with Chinese language teaching as well. This book pays attention to the scientific soundness of the knowledge, using a common language and a lot of images supporting the text. It is suitable for foreigners with intermediate Chinese proficiency or above or native speakers who want to learn about Chinese culture.
About the Author
The author Han Jiantang is a CFL teacher in Tianjin Normal University who, appointed by China’s Ministry of Education, did a three-year teaching job in Ulaanbaatar State University. Han’s publications include: Chinese Culture (planned by Hanban), Chinese Culture (BLCU textbook), Culture of Chinese Characters, and the Chinese, English, Russian, Turkish, and Persian editions of Chinese Characters.
For foreigners with intermediate Chinese proficiency or above or native speakers
韩鉴堂 天津师范大学对外汉语教师。受国家教育部委派,曾在蒙古国乌兰巴托国立大学任教3年。曾出版国家汉办规划教材《中国文化》、北语对外汉语精版教材《中国文化》、“十一五”国家重点图书出版规划项目《汉字文化》、 “中国文化系列丛书”之《汉字》中文版及英文、俄文、土耳其文、波斯文版等。
1. 本书1994年首次出版,20多年常销不衰,此次修订,内容全面更新;
2. 第3版修订,汲取最新文化科研成果和考古新发现,知识含量进一步扩充;
3. 五大板块,24个文化专题,展现中国文化精髓,内附教学提示,便于教学;
4. 图文并茂,语言通俗,兼具科学性与趣味性;
5. 适用于中级汉语水平以上的汉语学习者。