English Title: Chinese Character Book for HSK Level 3B
Chinese Title: 写字本. HSK3级B
ISBN-10: 7-5138-1891-6, 7513818916
ISBN-13: 978-7-5138-1891-9, 9787513818919
Binding: softcover
Pages: 36
Shipping Weight: 130g
Size: 170mm x 240mm
Language: siomplified Chinese, pinyin
Year of Publication: 2020
Publisher: Sinolingua (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Chinese Character Book for HSK Level 3B [Chinese Edition]. This volume 3B includes further 127 Chinese characters from HSK Level 3 vocabulary. For each character it provides pinyin, writing demonstrations, model characters, and blank squares for writing practice to help Chinese learners quickly master the forms, pronunciations, and writing norms of commonly used Chinese characters. The characters included in each level are all new from the corresponding HSK level, and exclude those which appeared in previous levels.
写字本. HSK3级B
本套《写字本》共四册,收入HSK1—3级词汇对应的六百余个汉字,其中:1级收入174字,2级收入175字,3级A收入140字,3级B收入129字。每个字提供拼音、书写示范、空心字和米字格,帮助汉语学习者迅速掌握常用汉字的字形、字音和书写规范。 各级别所收汉字为HSK对应级别新增词汇的用字,不含上一级别已出现的汉字。