Basic Chinese Grammar. ISBN: 9787513816175
Chinese Title: 汉语语法轻松学
English Title: Basic Chinese Grammar
ISBN-10: 7-5138-1617-4, 7513816174
ISBN-13: 978-7-5138-1617-5, 9787513816175
Author/Editor: Ding Xianfeng (丁险峰), Luo Jianfei (骆健飞)
Binding: softcover
Pages: 151
Shipping Weight: 450g
Size: 210mm x 284mm
Language: simplified Chinese, with some English annotations
Year of Publication: 2019
Publisher: Sinolingua (华语教学出版社)
This book is a primary grammar textbook for foreigners who are learning Chinese. It can be used as a reference book for teaching and research by international Chinese teachers. It can also provide graduate students of Chinese international education majors to understand the common grammar points. Please note that this is book is mainly in simplified Chinese only, so you only can use it properly if you already can understand texts in simplified Chinese. Exercises and explications also are in simplified Chinese only. With some English annotations througout the book. With keys to exercises, a sample text and keys to the sample test at the end of the book.
Contents / 目录
第一讲 量词 Measure Words
第二讲 离合动词 Separable Verbs
第三讲 动词重叠 Reduplication of Verbs
第四讲 形容词重叠 Reduplication of Adjectives
第五讲 动态助词和语气助词“了” Aspectual Particle and Modal Particle
第六讲 动态助词“着” Aspectual Particle 着
第七讲 动态助词“过” Aspectual Particle 过
单元小结一 Brief Summary of Chapter 1
单元练习一 Chapter 1 Exercises
第八讲 定语和结构助词“的” Attributives and the Structural Particle 的
第九讲 状语和结构助词“地” Adverbials and the Structural Particle 地
第十讲 补语和结构助词“得” Complements and the Structural Particle 得
第十一讲 不带“得”的补语 Complements without the Structural Particle 得
第十二讲 复合趋向补语及其引申用法 Compund Complements of Direction and their Extended Usage
单元小结二 Brief Summary of Chapter 2
单元练习二 Chapter 2 Exercises
第十三讲 存现句 Existential Sentences
第十四讲 比较句 Comparative Sentences
第十五讲 “把”字句 Sentences with 把
第十六讲 “被”字句 Sentences with 被
单元小结三 Brief Summary of Chapter 3
单元练习三 Chapter 3 Exercises
练习参考答案 Keys to the Exercises
模拟考试试题 Sample Test
模拟考试试题参考答案 Keys to Sample Test
English Title: Basic Chinese Grammar
ISBN-10: 7-5138-1617-4, 7513816174
ISBN-13: 978-7-5138-1617-5, 9787513816175
Author/Editor: Ding Xianfeng (丁险峰), Luo Jianfei (骆健飞)
Binding: softcover
Pages: 151
Shipping Weight: 450g
Size: 210mm x 284mm
Language: simplified Chinese, with some English annotations
Year of Publication: 2019
Publisher: Sinolingua (华语教学出版社)
This book is a primary grammar textbook for foreigners who are learning Chinese. It can be used as a reference book for teaching and research by international Chinese teachers. It can also provide graduate students of Chinese international education majors to understand the common grammar points. Please note that this is book is mainly in simplified Chinese only, so you only can use it properly if you already can understand texts in simplified Chinese. Exercises and explications also are in simplified Chinese only. With some English annotations througout the book. With keys to exercises, a sample text and keys to the sample test at the end of the book.
Contents / 目录
第一讲 量词 Measure Words
第二讲 离合动词 Separable Verbs
第三讲 动词重叠 Reduplication of Verbs
第四讲 形容词重叠 Reduplication of Adjectives
第五讲 动态助词和语气助词“了” Aspectual Particle and Modal Particle
第六讲 动态助词“着” Aspectual Particle 着
第七讲 动态助词“过” Aspectual Particle 过
单元小结一 Brief Summary of Chapter 1
单元练习一 Chapter 1 Exercises
第八讲 定语和结构助词“的” Attributives and the Structural Particle 的
第九讲 状语和结构助词“地” Adverbials and the Structural Particle 地
第十讲 补语和结构助词“得” Complements and the Structural Particle 得
第十一讲 不带“得”的补语 Complements without the Structural Particle 得
第十二讲 复合趋向补语及其引申用法 Compund Complements of Direction and their Extended Usage
单元小结二 Brief Summary of Chapter 2
单元练习二 Chapter 2 Exercises
第十三讲 存现句 Existential Sentences
第十四讲 比较句 Comparative Sentences
第十五讲 “把”字句 Sentences with 把
第十六讲 “被”字句 Sentences with 被
单元小结三 Brief Summary of Chapter 3
单元练习三 Chapter 3 Exercises
练习参考答案 Keys to the Exercises
模拟考试试题 Sample Test
模拟考试试题参考答案 Keys to Sample Test