Main page » Learn Chinese » Books for Teachers (TCSL) » Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445
![Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/popup_images/4790-0.jpg)
![Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/popup_images/4790-1.jpg)
![Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/popup_images/4790-2.jpg)
![Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/popup_images/4790-3.jpg)
![Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/popup_images/4790-4.jpg)
![Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/popup_images/4790-5.jpg)
![Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/gallery_images/4790-0.jpg)
![Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/gallery_images/4790-1.jpg)
![Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/gallery_images/4790-2.jpg)
![Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/gallery_images/4790-3.jpg)
![Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/gallery_images/4790-4.jpg)
![Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445 Preview: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445](images/product_images/gallery_images/4790-5.jpg)
Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]. ISBN: 9787561958445
English Title Translation: Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition]
Chinesischer Titel: 国际中文教育70周年纪念文集
ISBN-10: 7-56-195844-7, 7561958447
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195844-5, 9787561958445
Binding: hardcover
Pages: 644
Shipping Weight: 1460g
Size: 185mm x 265mm
Language: simplified Chinese
Year of Publication: 2021
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition].
2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the introduction of Chinese language instruction in the People's Republic of China. From the narrative perspective, this book narrates the 70-year development of international Chinese education and chronicles a large number of figures and events over the past 70 years. In 1950, PRC established the "Special Chinese Language Course for Exchange Students in Eastern Europe" at Qinghua University. By 2020, more than 70 countries have incorporated Chinese into the national education system, more than 180 countries have introduced Chinese education. About 25 million people learn Chinese outside of China. The success of international Chinese education today is the result of the pioneering and innovative efforts of generations of international Chinese teachers and volunteers at home and abroad. The development of international Chinese education has made irreplaceable contributions to deepening the opening up of Chinese education to the outside world , to promote Chinese and foreign language exchanges and cooperation, to improve understanding and friendship between Chinese and foreigners, and to promote the development of diversity and colorful civilizations of the world.
This book contains a total of 100 articles in six chapters. It presents Chinese international education systematically from different perspectives. The book also contains some valuable pictures and photos, which can help readers to better understand the extraordinary development process of Chinese international education. All practitioners in the field of international Chinese education, as well as all readers interested in international Chinese education, are recommended to read this book and witness the development of international Chinese education over the past 70 years with colleagues from around the world.
2020年是新中国开展中文教育70周年。本书从亲历者、见证者、推动者、受益者的叙述视角,讲述了国际中文教育70年发展历程,记录了70年来大量具有里程碑意义的人和事。1950年,我国于清华大学设立“东欧交换生中国语文专修班”,到2020年,已有70多个国家将中文纳入国民教育体系,180 多个国家开展了中文教育,4000 多所大学、3 万多所中小学、4.5 万多所华文学校和培训机构开设中文课程,中外双方合作共建了500多所孔子学院和1000 多个中小学孔子课堂,中国以外正在学习中文的人数约有2500万。今天的国际中文教育事业的繁荣,是一代又一代海内外国际中文教师和志愿者们用忠诚和担当开拓创新的结果。国际中文教育的开展,为深化中国教育对外开放,促进中外语言交流与合作,增进中外人民了解与友谊,推动世界多元多彩的文明发展做出了无可替代的重要贡献。
本书共收录100篇文章,以时间和事业发展为线索,分为筚路蓝缕、砥砺前行、专业情怀、语通世界、丝路绽放、崭新启程六个部分,从不同角度系统展现了国际中文教育辉煌成就与宏伟历程,以个人之小事,映照国际中文教育学科建设与事业发展之大事,书中还收录了部分珍贵图片、照片,图文并茂能帮助读者更好地了解国际中文教育不平凡的发展历程和辉煌的发展成就。推荐所有国际中文教育领域的相关从业人员,以及对国际中文教育感兴趣的读者阅读本书,与世界各国的同行共同见证70 年来的国际中文教育事业的发展。
Chinesischer Titel: 国际中文教育70周年纪念文集
ISBN-10: 7-56-195844-7, 7561958447
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195844-5, 9787561958445
Binding: hardcover
Pages: 644
Shipping Weight: 1460g
Size: 185mm x 265mm
Language: simplified Chinese
Year of Publication: 2021
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Anthology of the 70th Anniversary of International Chinese Education [Chinese Edition].
2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the introduction of Chinese language instruction in the People's Republic of China. From the narrative perspective, this book narrates the 70-year development of international Chinese education and chronicles a large number of figures and events over the past 70 years. In 1950, PRC established the "Special Chinese Language Course for Exchange Students in Eastern Europe" at Qinghua University. By 2020, more than 70 countries have incorporated Chinese into the national education system, more than 180 countries have introduced Chinese education. About 25 million people learn Chinese outside of China. The success of international Chinese education today is the result of the pioneering and innovative efforts of generations of international Chinese teachers and volunteers at home and abroad. The development of international Chinese education has made irreplaceable contributions to deepening the opening up of Chinese education to the outside world , to promote Chinese and foreign language exchanges and cooperation, to improve understanding and friendship between Chinese and foreigners, and to promote the development of diversity and colorful civilizations of the world.
This book contains a total of 100 articles in six chapters. It presents Chinese international education systematically from different perspectives. The book also contains some valuable pictures and photos, which can help readers to better understand the extraordinary development process of Chinese international education. All practitioners in the field of international Chinese education, as well as all readers interested in international Chinese education, are recommended to read this book and witness the development of international Chinese education over the past 70 years with colleagues from around the world.
2020年是新中国开展中文教育70周年。本书从亲历者、见证者、推动者、受益者的叙述视角,讲述了国际中文教育70年发展历程,记录了70年来大量具有里程碑意义的人和事。1950年,我国于清华大学设立“东欧交换生中国语文专修班”,到2020年,已有70多个国家将中文纳入国民教育体系,180 多个国家开展了中文教育,4000 多所大学、3 万多所中小学、4.5 万多所华文学校和培训机构开设中文课程,中外双方合作共建了500多所孔子学院和1000 多个中小学孔子课堂,中国以外正在学习中文的人数约有2500万。今天的国际中文教育事业的繁荣,是一代又一代海内外国际中文教师和志愿者们用忠诚和担当开拓创新的结果。国际中文教育的开展,为深化中国教育对外开放,促进中外语言交流与合作,增进中外人民了解与友谊,推动世界多元多彩的文明发展做出了无可替代的重要贡献。
本书共收录100篇文章,以时间和事业发展为线索,分为筚路蓝缕、砥砺前行、专业情怀、语通世界、丝路绽放、崭新启程六个部分,从不同角度系统展现了国际中文教育辉煌成就与宏伟历程,以个人之小事,映照国际中文教育学科建设与事业发展之大事,书中还收录了部分珍贵图片、照片,图文并茂能帮助读者更好地了解国际中文教育不平凡的发展历程和辉煌的发展成就。推荐所有国际中文教育领域的相关从业人员,以及对国际中文教育感兴趣的读者阅读本书,与世界各国的同行共同见证70 年来的国际中文教育事业的发展。