![A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/popup_images/4452-0.jpg)
![A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/popup_images/4452-1.jpg)
![A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/popup_images/4452-2.jpg)
![A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/popup_images/4452-3.jpg)
![A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/popup_images/4452-4.jpg)
![Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/gallery_images/4452-0.jpg)
![Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/gallery_images/4452-1.jpg)
![Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/gallery_images/4452-2.jpg)
![Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/gallery_images/4452-3.jpg)
![Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314 Preview: A Guide to the Design of Classroom Activities - Chinese Edition. ISBN: 9787561939314](images/product_images/gallery_images/4452-4.jpg)
Chinese Title: 课堂活动设计指南 (Ketang huodong sheji zhinan)
Series: 汉语教师志愿者教学实用指南
ISBN-10: 7-56-193931-0, 7561939310
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-193931-4, 9787561939314
Author/Editor: Jiang, Liping (姜丽萍); Li, Junfen (李俊芬)
Binding: softcover
Pages: 273
Shipping Weight: 520g
Size: 185mm x 240mm
Language: simplified Chinese
Target Group: Chinese Teachers
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
This book systematically summarizes, analyzes and gives examples of the design of activities in Chinese language teaching from two aspects, theory and practice. The first three chapters mainly introduce the application of activities in classroom teaching, analyze activity-based classroom teaching based on the theories of constructivism, task-based teaching and CFL teaching, and then propose the principles and methods of designing classroom activities. Chapters 4-9 present a total of 140 plans for classroom activities, covering special subjects such as pronunciation teaching, teaching of Chinese characters, vocabulary teaching, grammar teaching, topical teaching, and culture teaching, each in turn divided into several subtopics, which are various in form, rich in content and highly practical.
About the Author
Professor Jiang Liping is a postgraduate tutor in Beijing Language and Culture University whose research focuses on the theories of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching methodology and textbook study. Ms. Jiang’s works include books such as On Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Ways on How to Teach Foreigners Chinese and Classroom Expression Course for Chinese Teaching as well as more than 10 papers published in Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies, Chinese Language Teaching and other journals. She has given lectures in many countries and cities, such as Japan, the United States, Thailand and Hong Kong.
第1章 活动教学在汉语国际教育中的应用
第一节 活动教学概述
第二节 汉语国际教育与活动教学
第三节 汉语国际教育中的课堂活动构建
第2章 课堂活动教学的理论基础
第一节 建构主义教学理论与课堂活动教学
第二节 任务型语言教学理论与课堂活动教学
第三节 对外汉语教学理论与课堂活动教学
第3章 课堂活动教学的设计原则和方法
第一节 课堂活动教学设计的种类与原则
第二节 课堂活动教学设计的要素与结构
第三节 课堂活动教学设计的步骤与方法
第4章 语音教学课堂活动设计与应用示例
第一节 声母、韵母教学课堂活动示例
示例1 乒乓球比赛“嘻唰唰”啦啦队
示例2 听音配物谁第一
示例3 为《多瑙河之波》伴奏识d、t
示例4 扑克接龙识u、u
示例5 嘴边儿上的儿化音
第二节 声调教学课堂活动示例
示例6 拿根筷子就是卡拉扬
示例7 拿准调了再开口
示例8 分清轻重找主人
示例9 听音辨调唱歌谣
示例10 听古诗、辨音调
第三节 语流变调教学课堂活动示例
示例11 礼貌用语“请”先行
示例12 委婉否定顾情面
示例13 中国公用电话号码早知道
示例14 看图配成语,谁总是“第一”
示例15 绕口令上练嘴皮
第四节 拼音呼读与语感综合训练课堂活动示例
示例16 小游戏里找乐趣
示例17 每月一歌
示例18 “国别”、“语言”擂台赛
示例19 用电脑练打字
示例20 歌词朗诵比功夫
第5章 汉字教学课堂活动设计与应用示例
第一节 识字教学课堂活动示例
示例1 三三两两识汉字
示例2 组合配对大比拼
示例3 火眼金睛摘桃子
示例4 各找自家门
示例5 汉字套圈比赛
示例6 汉字麻将连“长城”
示例7 汉字“变脸”
示例8 “跳跳”“拣拣”识汉字
第二节 汉字书写教学课堂活动示例
示例9 先拆后拼识笔画
示例10 用毛笔写“福”字
第三节 用汉字制作系列物品教学课堂活动示例
示例11 为联合国会议制作标牌
示例12 我为自己做名片
示例13 为他人制作生日贺卡
示例14 为领导制作邀请函
示例15 自制汉字学习卡片
第四节 汉字拓展教学课堂活动示例
示例16 “自造”汉字玩儿一把
示例17 圣诞节汉字艺术造型展
示例18 汉字整形医生
示例19 一个比划一个猜
示例20 偏旁部首查字典
第6章 词汇教学课堂活动设计与应用示例
第7章 语法教学课堂活动设计与应用示例
第8章 话题教学课堂活动设计与应用示例
第9章 中国文化教学课堂活动设计应用示例