Startseite » Chinesisch Lernen » Chinesische Lehrbuchreihen » New Target Chinese » New Target Chinese Spoken Language 3. ISBN: 9787561936917

New Target Chinese Spoken Language 3. ISBN: 9787561936917
Englischer Titel: New Target Chinese Spoken Language 3
Chinesischer Titel: 新目标汉语 口语课本3
ISBN-10: 7-5619-3691-5, 7561936915
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-3691-7, 9787561936917
Autor/Herausgeber: Mao Yue (毛悦)
Ausgabe: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 189
Versandgewicht: 600g
Format: 210mm x 285mm
Sprache: Chinesisch [Kurzzeichen, Pinyin], Englisch
Link: Online Audio
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Band 3 der Reihe New Target Spoken Chinese. Geeignet für Lernende der Vor-Mittelstufe. Mit englischen Anmerkungen und komplett in Farbe.
Book Description
This is a set of conversation textbooks following the task-based teaching ideas. Being objective-oriented and task-based in communication, it combines the topics, functions and culture, so as to artistically integrate the form and meaning. It is suitable for total beginners of Chinese language and can be used by students of short-term or long-term training programs.
Volume 3 includes 10 units, which is suitable for pre-intermediate Chinese learners. It has topics such as the characteristics of a person, hometown, lifestyle, housing, an examination, shopping, experience on a day off, hobbies, occupations, the itinerary of a trip, etc. Each unit includes several objectives of the tasks and helps learners to achieve language acquisition when carrying out the tasks.
It provides the English translation, full-color illustrations and pictures of the real objects.
About the Author
Mao Yue is the Vice Director of the College of Intensive Chinese Training, Beijing Language and Culture University. She was one of the writers of a number of Chinese textbooks, including An Intensive Chinese Course, Short-Term Listening Chinese, Very Good— Spoken Chinese for Beginners, and Say It Now—A Complete Handbook of Spoken Chinese.
《新目标汉语口语课本》是以“任务式” 教学理念为指导的口语技能型教材,以交际目标为导向,以任务为主线,将话题、功能、文化相结合,达到形式与意义的有机统一。适用于零起点至中级水平汉语学习者,既可供短期速成班使用,也可供长期进修生使用。
Chinesischer Titel: 新目标汉语 口语课本3
ISBN-10: 7-5619-3691-5, 7561936915
ISBN-13: 978-7-5619-3691-7, 9787561936917
Autor/Herausgeber: Mao Yue (毛悦)
Ausgabe: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 189
Versandgewicht: 600g
Format: 210mm x 285mm
Sprache: Chinesisch [Kurzzeichen, Pinyin], Englisch
Link: Online Audio
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Band 3 der Reihe New Target Spoken Chinese. Geeignet für Lernende der Vor-Mittelstufe. Mit englischen Anmerkungen und komplett in Farbe.
Book Description
This is a set of conversation textbooks following the task-based teaching ideas. Being objective-oriented and task-based in communication, it combines the topics, functions and culture, so as to artistically integrate the form and meaning. It is suitable for total beginners of Chinese language and can be used by students of short-term or long-term training programs.
Volume 3 includes 10 units, which is suitable for pre-intermediate Chinese learners. It has topics such as the characteristics of a person, hometown, lifestyle, housing, an examination, shopping, experience on a day off, hobbies, occupations, the itinerary of a trip, etc. Each unit includes several objectives of the tasks and helps learners to achieve language acquisition when carrying out the tasks.
It provides the English translation, full-color illustrations and pictures of the real objects.
About the Author
Mao Yue is the Vice Director of the College of Intensive Chinese Training, Beijing Language and Culture University. She was one of the writers of a number of Chinese textbooks, including An Intensive Chinese Course, Short-Term Listening Chinese, Very Good— Spoken Chinese for Beginners, and Say It Now—A Complete Handbook of Spoken Chinese.
《新目标汉语口语课本》是以“任务式” 教学理念为指导的口语技能型教材,以交际目标为导向,以任务为主线,将话题、功能、文化相结合,达到形式与意义的有机统一。适用于零起点至中级水平汉语学习者,既可供短期速成班使用,也可供长期进修生使用。