Startseite » Chinesisch Lernen » Chinesische Lehrbuchreihen » New Concept Chinese » New Concept Chinese - Textbook 5. ISBN: 9787561950654

New Concept Chinese - Textbook 5. ISBN: 9787561950654
Englischer Titel: New Concept Chinese - Textbook 5
Chinesischer Titel: 新概念汉语·课本5
ISBN-10: 7-56-195065-9, 7561950659
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195065-4, 9787561950654
Ausgabe: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 100 Seiten
Versandgewicht: 320g
Format: 210mm x 295mm
Sprache: Chinesisch [Kurzzeichen, Pinyin], mit englischen Anmerkungen
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Dies ist das Textbook 5 aus der Serie New Concept Chinese.
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English Description
New Concept Chinese 5 and 6 are based on Dream of China, a TV show close to modern Chinese people’s life. The materials selected are those that can help foreigners learn about and understand Chinese people’s life and improve their Chinese communication skills.
This book is composed of 20 lessons, each focusing on one topic and consisting of two parts—the text and the exercises. (1) Text, the first part of each lesson. In each unit, the first three lessons each have a text which is a brief introduction to one episode of Dream of China and the new words and grammar points involved. The last lesson in each unit is a short essay about common Chinese people’s lives, written by the editorial group. (2) Exercises, the second part of each lesson. The exercises in the first three lessons of each unit are mostly audiovisual and speaking exercises based on an episode of Dream of China and aim to cultivate students’ Chinese listening and speaking skills. The exercises in the last lesson of each unit are reading and writing exercises, which aim to cultivate students’ reading and writing skills.
Through learning New Concept Chinese 5, students can acquire a preliminary ability to read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese movies and TV shows, and make relatively complete speeches.
Chinesischer Titel: 新概念汉语·课本5
ISBN-10: 7-56-195065-9, 7561950659
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-195065-4, 9787561950654
Ausgabe: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 100 Seiten
Versandgewicht: 320g
Format: 210mm x 295mm
Sprache: Chinesisch [Kurzzeichen, Pinyin], mit englischen Anmerkungen
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culture University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Dies ist das Textbook 5 aus der Serie New Concept Chinese.
Audio-Dateien können durch Scannen des QR-Codes rechts auf der Buchrückseite durch Ihr mobiles Gerät gestreamt oder runtergeladen werden. Wir haben dies für Sie getestet und bitte beachten Sie folgende Hinweise: Sie können nach Scannen des QR-Codes mit Ihrem mobilen Gerät die zugehörige Datei auswählen. Die Dateien werden durch Nummern im Buch gekennzeichnet wie z. B. 01-2. Wählen Sie eine dieser Dateien, es sind 115 Audio-Dateien verfügbar. Wählen Sie danach ob Sie die Datei herunterladen möchten "下载该资源" oder ob Sie die Datei Streamen möchten "在线视听该资源". Analog können Sie sich auch Video-Dateien zu diesem Buch herunterladen, dies ist der mittlere QR-Code auf der Buchrückseite.
English Description
New Concept Chinese 5 and 6 are based on Dream of China, a TV show close to modern Chinese people’s life. The materials selected are those that can help foreigners learn about and understand Chinese people’s life and improve their Chinese communication skills.
This book is composed of 20 lessons, each focusing on one topic and consisting of two parts—the text and the exercises. (1) Text, the first part of each lesson. In each unit, the first three lessons each have a text which is a brief introduction to one episode of Dream of China and the new words and grammar points involved. The last lesson in each unit is a short essay about common Chinese people’s lives, written by the editorial group. (2) Exercises, the second part of each lesson. The exercises in the first three lessons of each unit are mostly audiovisual and speaking exercises based on an episode of Dream of China and aim to cultivate students’ Chinese listening and speaking skills. The exercises in the last lesson of each unit are reading and writing exercises, which aim to cultivate students’ reading and writing skills.
Through learning New Concept Chinese 5, students can acquire a preliminary ability to read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese movies and TV shows, and make relatively complete speeches.