Startseite » Chinesisch Lernen » Lehrbücher nach Niveau » Chinesisch Mittelstufe » Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722
![Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722 Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722](images/product_images/popup_images/Climbing-Up-An-Intermediate-Chinese-Course-Vol-1-Part-II-2nd-Edition-ISBN-9787561950722_5309.jpg)
![Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722 Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722](images/product_images/popup_images/Climbing-Up-An-Intermediate-Chinese-Course-Vol-1-Part-II-2nd-Edition-ISBN-9787561950722_5309-1.jpg)
![Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722 Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722](images/product_images/popup_images/Climbing-Up-An-Intermediate-Chinese-Course-Vol-1-Part-II-2nd-Edition-ISBN-9787561950722_5309-2.jpg)
![Preview: Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722 Preview: Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722](images/product_images/gallery_images/Climbing-Up-An-Intermediate-Chinese-Course-Vol-1-Part-II-2nd-Edition-ISBN-9787561950722_5309.jpg)
![Preview: Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722 Preview: Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722](images/product_images/gallery_images/Climbing-Up-An-Intermediate-Chinese-Course-Vol-1-Part-II-2nd-Edition-ISBN-9787561950722_5309-1.jpg)
![Preview: Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722 Preview: Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722](images/product_images/gallery_images/Climbing-Up-An-Intermediate-Chinese-Course-Vol-1-Part-II-2nd-Edition-ISBN-9787561950722_5309-2.jpg)
Climbing Up - An Intermediate Chinese Course - Vol. 1 [Part II] [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561950722
Climbing up: An Intermediate Chinese Course (2nd Edition) besteht aus zwei Bänden mit jeweils zwei Unterbänden. Dies ist Band 1, Teil II. Scannen Sie den QR-Code auf der Buchrückseite oder geben Sie die URL auf unserer Rechnung ein, um die Audio-Dateien zu Streamen bzw. Downzuloaden.
Climbing up: An Intermediate Chinese Course (2nd Edition) consists of two volumes, each including two sub-volumes. This is vol. 1, part II. Most texts select themes reflecting contemporary Chinese social life and are very interesting. Each lesson is composed of six modules, namely, “Text”, “New Words”, “Notes”, “Usage of the Words”, “Compare the Usage of the Words”, and “Exercises”. Besides the notes and explanations, a distinctive characteristic of this textbook is that it has a module, i.e., “Compare the Usage of the Words”, to meet students’ needs to use diverse words in their expressions. Frequently-used synonyms are selected in pairs or groups to compare and practice, which not only helps students solve their difficulties in learning, but also enriches their vocabulary. To help students achieve the overall improvement in their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, based on the first edition, two types of exercises, i.e., “Dialogue” and “Reading”, have been added in the second edition.
登攀 中级汉语教程(第2版) 1 下
《登攀—中级汉语教程》(第2版)全套教材包括一、二两册。每册含上、下两个分册。教材所选课文多是反映当代中国社会生活的题材,具有很强的故事性。每课由“课文、生词、注释、词语用法、词语用法对比、练习”六个板块,除了基本的注释讲解以及练习以外,本教材的鲜明特点是为适应本阶段学习者词汇表达多样性的需求,特别设置了“词语用法对比”,成组选取常见的近义词进行对比练习,既帮助学习者解决学习中的难点,也有助于丰富他们的词汇表达手段。 为帮助学习者实现“听、说、读、写”能力的全面提升,第2版在第1版的基础上每课增加了“会话”和“阅读”练习。
杨寄洲,北京语言大学教授。长期从事对外汉语教学和教材的编写、科研工作,主要著作有《对外汉语教学初级阶段教学大纲》,教材有《汉语教程》(第1版)(修订本)系列、《登攀》系列、《职通汉语》系列,工具书《1700对近义词语用法对比》《汉语800虚词用法词典》《商务馆学成语词典》《汉语常用口语句典》等。主要论文有《对外汉语教学初级阶段语法项目的排序问题》《编写初级汉语教材的几个问题》等。曾获 2001年北京市教育教学成果二等奖(高等教育)。
Climbing up: An Intermediate Chinese Course (2nd Edition) consists of two volumes, each including two sub-volumes. This is vol. 1, part II. Most texts select themes reflecting contemporary Chinese social life and are very interesting. Each lesson is composed of six modules, namely, “Text”, “New Words”, “Notes”, “Usage of the Words”, “Compare the Usage of the Words”, and “Exercises”. Besides the notes and explanations, a distinctive characteristic of this textbook is that it has a module, i.e., “Compare the Usage of the Words”, to meet students’ needs to use diverse words in their expressions. Frequently-used synonyms are selected in pairs or groups to compare and practice, which not only helps students solve their difficulties in learning, but also enriches their vocabulary. To help students achieve the overall improvement in their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities, based on the first edition, two types of exercises, i.e., “Dialogue” and “Reading”, have been added in the second edition.
登攀 中级汉语教程(第2版) 1 下
《登攀—中级汉语教程》(第2版)全套教材包括一、二两册。每册含上、下两个分册。教材所选课文多是反映当代中国社会生活的题材,具有很强的故事性。每课由“课文、生词、注释、词语用法、词语用法对比、练习”六个板块,除了基本的注释讲解以及练习以外,本教材的鲜明特点是为适应本阶段学习者词汇表达多样性的需求,特别设置了“词语用法对比”,成组选取常见的近义词进行对比练习,既帮助学习者解决学习中的难点,也有助于丰富他们的词汇表达手段。 为帮助学习者实现“听、说、读、写”能力的全面提升,第2版在第1版的基础上每课增加了“会话”和“阅读”练习。
杨寄洲,北京语言大学教授。长期从事对外汉语教学和教材的编写、科研工作,主要著作有《对外汉语教学初级阶段教学大纲》,教材有《汉语教程》(第1版)(修订本)系列、《登攀》系列、《职通汉语》系列,工具书《1700对近义词语用法对比》《汉语800虚词用法词典》《商务馆学成语词典》《汉语常用口语句典》等。主要论文有《对外汉语教学初级阶段语法项目的排序问题》《编写初级汉语教材的几个问题》等。曾获 2001年北京市教育教学成果二等奖(高等教育)。