Startseite » Chinesisch Lernen » Lehrbücher nach Niveau » Chinesisch Mittelstufe » Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking [Set aus Textbook und Buch der Hörverständnistexte und Antworten]. 9787561934692
![Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking [Set aus Textbook und Buch der Hörverständnistexte und Antworten]. 9787561934692 Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking [Set aus Textbook und Buch der Hörverständnistexte und Antworten]. 9787561934692](images/product_images/popup_images/2991-0.jpg)
Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking [Set aus Textbook und Buch der Hörverständnistexte und Antworten]. 9787561934692
Lieferumfang: Textbook, Buch der Hörverständnistexte und Antworten
Englischer Titel: Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking
Chinesischer Titel: 专业汉语 西医汉语系列:西医汉语听说教程(附听力文本及参考答案)
ISBN-10: 7-56-193469-6, 7561934696
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-193469-2, 9787561934692
Ausgabe: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 121 (textbook), 65 (answer book)
Versandgewicht: 440g
Format: 185mm x 260mm
Sprache: Chinesisch [Kurzzeichen, Pinyin nur bei Vokabeln], Englisch
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Link: Online Audio
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culrure University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking [Set aus Textbook und Buch der Hörverständnistexte und Antworten]. Scannen Sie den QR-Code auf der Buchrückseite, um zum Online-Audiobereich zu gelangen.
Usage Advice
2-4 class hours for each of the 15 lessons.
The Series of Specialized Chinese Textbooks for Foreigners Studying in China is suitable for foreigners in China who major in Science & Engineering, Western Medicine, Economics & Trade, Chinese Medicine and relevant subjects and whose Chinese proficiency is at the elementary or intermediate level. It aims at training students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills which are essential in their study of Science & Engineering, Western Medicine, Economics & Trade, Chinese Medicine and other subjects, teaching them the basic vocabulary, word-building rules, expressions and sentence patterns for the specific subject and paving their way to undergraduate studies.
This is a major language book in the Western Medicine subseries. The 15 lessons in it correspond to different branches of the medical science; each lesson is made up of two listening materials, one of which is a clinical conversation between a doctor and a patient in the outpatient department, in a ward or an operating room, etc., and the other of which revolves around the education of medicine and the communication and consultation related to it, such as medical lectures, health hotline and interviews with experts, etc. The book helps students strengthen the language and professional basis for their further study in medicine
About the Author
Wang Jun, an associate professor, is a member of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Government Scholarship for Foreigners’ College Prep Education, the Ministry of Education of PRC. Ms. Wang is in charge of affairs regarding college prep education. She is the deputy head of the College of International Education, Shandong University.
【作 者】王军 主编
【ISBN 13 】9787561934692
【ISBN 10 】
【课 型】听力|口语
【范围分类】外国人学汉语 - 来华留学汉语教材(学历教育) - 听力
● 不是本科医学专业教材的汉语版,而是进入医学专业学习之前的汉语储备与专业入门教材。
● 在对医学主题语料库进行词频统计的基础上筛选出词频最高的947个医学基础词汇,实现教材对医学基础词汇的最大化覆盖。
● 在吸收结构型教材成熟编写模式基础上,大量采用任务教学模式和功能教学模式设计活动和练习,使学生在真实的情景中完成实际任务,掌握与医学相关的各项语言功能。
● 依据教学规律和教学步骤编排教材内容,细化教学活动的具体要求,最大限度方便教师备课。
● 《听说教程》与《读写教程》内容一一呼应,同一主题的课文、生词互相补充,注重复现率,保证在有限时间内最大限度地提高学生在医学领域的汉语综合技能。
● 针对预科特点提供人性化设计,如梳理常用专业构词法和表达方式,补充各科室常见疾病名称,提供手写体听力文本、附医院主要科室分布图、门诊就诊流程图等实用信息。
Englischer Titel: Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking
Chinesischer Titel: 专业汉语 西医汉语系列:西医汉语听说教程(附听力文本及参考答案)
ISBN-10: 7-56-193469-6, 7561934696
ISBN-13: 978-7-56-193469-2, 9787561934692
Ausgabe: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 121 (textbook), 65 (answer book)
Versandgewicht: 440g
Format: 185mm x 260mm
Sprache: Chinesisch [Kurzzeichen, Pinyin nur bei Vokabeln], Englisch
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Link: Online Audio
Verlag: Beijing Language and Culrure University Press (北京语言文化大学出版社)
Chinese for Western Medicine - Listening and Speaking [Set aus Textbook und Buch der Hörverständnistexte und Antworten]. Scannen Sie den QR-Code auf der Buchrückseite, um zum Online-Audiobereich zu gelangen.
Usage Advice
2-4 class hours for each of the 15 lessons.
The Series of Specialized Chinese Textbooks for Foreigners Studying in China is suitable for foreigners in China who major in Science & Engineering, Western Medicine, Economics & Trade, Chinese Medicine and relevant subjects and whose Chinese proficiency is at the elementary or intermediate level. It aims at training students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills which are essential in their study of Science & Engineering, Western Medicine, Economics & Trade, Chinese Medicine and other subjects, teaching them the basic vocabulary, word-building rules, expressions and sentence patterns for the specific subject and paving their way to undergraduate studies.
This is a major language book in the Western Medicine subseries. The 15 lessons in it correspond to different branches of the medical science; each lesson is made up of two listening materials, one of which is a clinical conversation between a doctor and a patient in the outpatient department, in a ward or an operating room, etc., and the other of which revolves around the education of medicine and the communication and consultation related to it, such as medical lectures, health hotline and interviews with experts, etc. The book helps students strengthen the language and professional basis for their further study in medicine
About the Author
Wang Jun, an associate professor, is a member of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Government Scholarship for Foreigners’ College Prep Education, the Ministry of Education of PRC. Ms. Wang is in charge of affairs regarding college prep education. She is the deputy head of the College of International Education, Shandong University.
【作 者】王军 主编
【ISBN 13 】9787561934692
【ISBN 10 】
【课 型】听力|口语
【范围分类】外国人学汉语 - 来华留学汉语教材(学历教育) - 听力
● 不是本科医学专业教材的汉语版,而是进入医学专业学习之前的汉语储备与专业入门教材。
● 在对医学主题语料库进行词频统计的基础上筛选出词频最高的947个医学基础词汇,实现教材对医学基础词汇的最大化覆盖。
● 在吸收结构型教材成熟编写模式基础上,大量采用任务教学模式和功能教学模式设计活动和练习,使学生在真实的情景中完成实际任务,掌握与医学相关的各项语言功能。
● 依据教学规律和教学步骤编排教材内容,细化教学活动的具体要求,最大限度方便教师备课。
● 《听说教程》与《读写教程》内容一一呼应,同一主题的课文、生词互相补充,注重复现率,保证在有限时间内最大限度地提高学生在医学领域的汉语综合技能。
● 针对预科特点提供人性化设计,如梳理常用专业构词法和表达方式,补充各科室常见疾病名称,提供手写体听力文本、附医院主要科室分布图、门诊就诊流程图等实用信息。