New HSK Level 2

New HSK Level 2
HSK Standard Course 2 Teacher’s Book. ISBN: 9787561940150
This is Teacher’s Book 2, with altogether 15 lessons. Each lesson includes a specification of the instructional contents and objectives, an elaboration of teaching steps, and a suggestion about teaching aids as well. It provides teachers with all-round guidance and effective support in regard to how to use the textbook and workbook of the corresponding level.
10,50 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Official Examination Papers of HSK [Level 2] [2018 Edition]. ISBN: 9787107329630
With five complete sets of sample tests for new HSK level 2. Includes answers and listening scripts.
14,99 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
1 to 12 (from a total of 12)