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Thorough Analyses of New HSK
Thorough Analyses of New HSK is a series of textbooks written for New HSK examinees. The series, consisting of five books, one for levels one and two combined and one for each of the levels 3-6. The compilation style of the books is consistent, with the modules designed in accordance with the New HSK content. Each module is divided into several different parts, including Explanation of Question Types, Problem-Solving Skills, Important Testing Points, Past Test Analysis, and Practice of Specific Language Skills. Moreover, the series has three or four sets of mock tests in the end in order for readers to test themselves. All the exercises and mock tests have Q & A explanations for the convenience of students’ self-learning and teachers’ instructions. Levels 1-3 are provided with English annotations, levels 4-6 are in simplified Chinese only without English annotations.
The series Thorough Analyses of New HSK is based on a thorough investigation into the examination syllabus and the past examination papers, summarizes the language points, and analyzes the types of questions. It focuses on the recurrence of high-frequency words, without neglecting words not listed in the examination syllabus. The combination of training and testing improves not only candidates’ language proficiency, but also their test-taking skills.
Thorough Analyses of New HSK