Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students 预科汉语强化教程系列

Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students is a series of beginner/intermediate level textbooks which is consistent with the HSK Syllabus and Final Test for the Pre-University International Students Founded by the Chinese Government Scholarship. This series can not only be used as Chinese textbook for pre-university students who study science, engineering, literature and history in China, it can also be used as textbooks for beginner/intermediate level students who come to China for long-term language training. It is also suitable for learners of Chinese who want to pass HSK levels 1-5.
《预科汉语强化教程》是一套紧扣《HSK考试大纲》和《中国政府奖学金本科来华留学生预科教育结业考试》大纲,实践“考教结合”教学思路的初、中级汉语系列教材. 本套教材可作为来华学习理工类、文史类本科专业预科生汉语课程主干教材,也可作为来华长期语言进修生初、中级阶段教材,亦适用于所有准备通过HSK考试1-5级的汉语学习者。
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Intensive Chinese for Pre-University Students 预科汉语强化教程系列