Hanyu Jiaocheng 汉语教程

Hanyu Jiaocheng

Hanyu Jiaocheng

Parallel to the textbooks Hanyu Jiaocheng, Hanyu Tingli Jiaocheng, Hanyu Yuedu Jiaocheng and Hanyu Kouyu Jiaocheng were also published. The volumes can be easily combined with each other. This is shown in the graphic above.



1. 更具时代感和实用性:第3版更新了过时的内容,更具时代感;同时课文和阅读材料更紧贴学生实际,更加好教、好学、好用。

2. 语言要素的编排更严谨、实用:每课生词量梯度设计,词汇量丰富,分布均衡,侧重词语的用法介绍以及近义词语的用法对比说明。

3. 练习设计和编排更加合理:练习设计遵循理解、模仿、记忆、熟巧、应用的言语习得过程,题型丰富,理解性练习、模仿性和交际性练习形成梯度。

4. 配有丰富的数字资源:全书配有供教师备课上课的电子教案、课件、练习答案、音频,以及供学生上课的《同步学习指导》手册等,使教和学均更加便利、有效。

Hanyu Tingli Jiaocheng Vol. 2 [Chinese Listening Course, 3rd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561955956
Hanyu Tingli Jiaocheng Vol. 2 [Chinese Listening Course, 3rd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561955956
22,99 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Hanyu Tingli Jiaocheng Vol. 3 [Chinese Listening Course, 3rd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561955963
This book is the listening course book matching Book 3 of Chinese Course (3rd Edition). It can also be used independently as a practice book of elementary listening.
23,99 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
1 to 14 (from a total of 14)
Chinese Course (汉语教程, Hanyu Jiaocheng)