Chinese Paradise 汉语乐园

Chinese Paradise is a series of children’s elementary Chinese textbooks targeted at primary school students in other countries; it is a key textbook project of Hanban. Its first English edition was published in 2005, followed by a succession of 45 language editions of the Level 1 books. At present, the series has been sold to more than 50 countries and areas in the world, been widely used in primary and middle schools overseas and become the most popular overseas children’s Chinese textbooks.
Since 2013 Beijing Language and Culture University Press has begun to revise the published books and compile the follow-ups. The second edition of the whole series has altogether six levels, suitable for students of Grades 1-6 in primary schools outside of China and in international schools in China. Each level comprises one textbook (with a CD), one workbook (with a CD), one set of word cards (for all language editions), one teacher’s book (for all language editions), one corresponding reader, one set of tests, and four multimedia CD-ROMs.
《汉语乐园》是一套以海外小学生为读者对象的初级儿童汉语教材,是国家汉办的重点教材项目。 2005年出版英语版第1版,此后陆续推出了45个语种的入门级分册(相当于第1级)。目前,该套教材已行销全球50多个国家和地区,在海外中小学广泛使用,是最受欢迎的海外儿童汉语教材。
从2013年开始北京语言大学出版社对本教材进行修订和后续编写。第2版全套教材共分为6级,适用于海外小学和国内国际学校1-6年级学生。每级包括:课本(配套CD 1张)、练习册(配套CD 1张)、词语卡片(各语种版本通用)、教师用书(各语种版本通用)、同步阅读、测试题、多媒体学习光盘4张。
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Chinese Paradise 汉语乐园