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Chinese Dictionaries for Expressions
Chinese Dictionaries specially for words and expressions like dictionaries for Chinese idioms, Chinese synonyms or about the application of words and expressions, special dictionaries for students and Chinese teachers.
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BLCU Press 北京语言文化大学出版社
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Peking University Press 北京大学出版社
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Tongji University Press 同济大学出版社
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BLCU Press 北京语言文化大学出版社
FLTR Press 外语教学与研究出版社
Foreign Languages Press 外文出版社
Peking University Press 北京大学出版社
People's Education Press 人民教育出版社
The Commercial Press 商务印书馆
Tongji University Press 同济大学出版社
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1200 per page
A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK [HSK Levels 4 + 5]. ISBN: 9787561937594
A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK, targeted at students who are going to take the new HSK, includes three volumes respectively for levels 1~3, levels 4~5 and level 6. This is the second volume, which collects 1900 entries based on the Outline of the New HSK (Levels 4-5). Each entry is marked with pinyin and explained in Chinese and English. Characters with traditional forms are listed in the entries. Entries are classified based on its senses, each of which is noted with its word type and 3~8 sample sentences. These sample sentences at Level 4 are provided with pinyin. The phonetic index for entries in each level is provided before the main body of the dictionary and the phonetic index for all the entries at levels 4-5 is available after the main body.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
23,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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1700 Groups of Frequently Used Chinese Synonyms [Chinese Reference Series for Foreigners]. ISBN: 756191265X, 9787561912652
This book is suitable for students in foreign universities who have learned some Chinese. It can also be used as a reference book for overseas teachers. This book is based on Prof. Yang Jizhou's years of teaching and research. As a practical reference book on synonyms, this book does not strive to be academic, but effective and helpful in the teaching and learning of Chinese.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
37,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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A Dictionary of Chinese Synonyms - with English Translation [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787561941706
To facilitate the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, 420 groups of synonyms are selected from the 8822 commonly used words of The Outline of Grade of Chinese Words & Characters for HSK. The words in each group are differentiated by meaning, usage collocation, etc. All notes and examples have an English translation for ease of comprehension.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
15,50 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK [HSK Level 6]. ISBN: 9787561940686
A Dictionary of 5000 Graded Words for New HSK, targeted at students who are going to take the new HSK test, includes three volumes respectively for Levels 1~3, Levels 4~5 and Level 6. This is the third volume, including 2,500 entries based on the Outline of the New HSK (Level 6). Each entry is marked with pinyin and its complex character form if there is any. Different senses are listed under each entry, each marked with the word type, explained in simple and concise Chinese, and supported by 3-8 typical example sentences. An alphabetical index is provided before the main body of the dictionary.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
26,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Say it Now: A Complete Handbook of Chinese Idioms. ISBN: 9787561945711
Say It Now: A Complete Handbook of Chinese Idioms includes 150 Chinese idioms most frequently used in Chinese people’s daily life. Different from traditional reference books about idioms, this book employs typical oral conversations where these idioms appear to vividly display the situations of these idioms and define the occasions to use them. On this basis, it summarizes the most common usages and forms of idioms and supplements them with fascinating word-guessing and solitaire games, thus creating a new way for intermediate-level learners to learn Chinese idioms.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
13,70 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Dictionary of 800 Frequently Utilized Chinese Function Words. ISBN: 9787561934715
This dictionary includes altogether more than 800 frequently utilized Chinese function words, as well as some common affixes and conjunction words, of which 180 pairs similar in meaning are compared, and 250 function words often misused by international students are presented with the wrong sentences they made and the corrected sentences are also provided.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
22,20 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Das Lexikon der Deutschen Sprichwörter [German-Chinese]. ISBN: 9787513551809
This is a German-Chinese dictionary of German proverbs. It lists a large number of German proverbs on 598 pages.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
17,60 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
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Das idiomatische Lexikon Chinesisch-Deutsch [The Idiomatic Dictionary Chinese-German]. ISBN: 9787513501279
This idiomatic dictionary in simplified Chinese, pinyin and German translation consists of three main parts: Chinese idioms with three words in part 1, with four words in part 2 and with 5 or more words in part 3.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
23,10 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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A Learner’s Chinese Dictionary: Illustrations of the Usages [Chinese Reference Series for Foreigners]. ISBN: 7561914601, 9787561914601
This dictionary is the result of eight years’ combined efforts. It contains more than 10’000 entries, each of which is provided with clear annotation (in both Chinese and English), an illustration of simple usage, and usual syntactic functions. Ample example sentences are given in the dictionary, showing how varied items of each entry are used in different situations. Moreover, rich cultural information and background knowledge are blended into the example sentences, reflecting Chinese social life and cultural psychology.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
26,30 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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German-Chinese Visual Dictionary [coloured hardcover edition]. ISBN: 9787100158312
This German-Chinese visual dictionary in the harcover color edition contains 457 pages and 36 subjectc with 8000 common words, 6000 common example sentences/short phrases and 4000 suitable sentence patterns.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
26,80 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
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A Learner's Dictionary of Chinese Separable Verbs. ISBN: 9787301230039
A Learner's Dictionary of Chinese Separable Verbs alphabetically lists 210 Chinese separable verbs and shows the usage by showing usage examples. Please note that all contents are to a wide extent in simplified Chinese only and only the 210 main entries are shown with English translation and Hanyu Pinyin.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
13,50 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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German-Chinese Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. ISBN: 9787560858890
This German-Chinese dictionary of synonyms and antonyms lists around 12,000 entries in alphabetical order. The entries of the synonyms are first listed in bold type and include the German name and the Chinese translation of the synonyms. Each term is followed by the antonyms, which are listed below in normal typeset. Again, the German name and the Chinese translation are given.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
25,50 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 19% tax excl.
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Travel through China with 300 Words. ISBN: 9787561950098
Travel through China with 300 Words is a little travel book following the course of a journey with one scene in each chapter giving the reader the fealing of actually being there. Including the most useful words and sentences that are easiest to remember. With Hanyu Pinyin and English translation throughout to point out what you want to say. Scan the QR-Code on the back of the book to stream or download the MP3-audio files.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
10,90 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Xinhua Idiom Dictionary - Xinhua Chengyu Cidian [2nd Edition]. ISBN: 9787100103237
The Xinhua Idiom Dictionary (2nd Edition ) includes over 10,000 widely-used idioms. The presented Idioms include precise and clear explanations and examples of usage.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
24,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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A Chinese-English Dictionary of New Terms and Phrases. ISBN: 9787119090320
The main part includes the Chinese-English dictionary of new expressions and phrases. However, without specifying Hanyu Pinyin, the keywords are listed in simplified Chinese and the English translation. Imn the appendix there is a variety of attachments that can be very useful for Sino-English translation. Among other things, there are attachments from the areas of geography, countries, political names, well-known companies, etc.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
14,80 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education - Grammar Learning Manual [Intermediate Level]. ISBN: 9787561960967
This volume of Grammar Learning Manual (Intermediate Level) contains numerous practical examples of the use of grammar points based on actual language usage. Both the examples and explanations are in simplified Chinese characters only (without Hanyu Pinyin).
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
23,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Say it Now: A Complete Handbook of Functional Spoken Chinese. ISBN: 9787561959565
Say It Now—A Handbook of Functional Spoken Chinese is a practical spoken Chinese handbook compiled from the perspective of functional spoken Chinese and focuses on the way Chinese expressions are used. It aims at helping beginner-level students of Chinese express themselves using appropriate Chinese on different communication occasions. This handbook selects 93 most common topics in interpersonal communication to meet the basic needs in Chinese beginners’ daily communication.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
8,20 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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A Practical Manual of Tone Patterns and Formats of Stressed and Unstressed Syllables in Mandarin Words [Chinese Edition] [+MP3-CD]. 9787561954843
This is a reference book aiming to help students learn the tones of Chinese words and the rhythm of unstressed and stressed tones. The 11,092 words included herein, being wide-ranging and scientifically graded, come from The Graded Chinese Syllables, Characters and Words for the Application of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, the first globally-oriented national standard for TCSOL.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
33,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Chinese Essential Dictionary [Chinese-English]. ISBN: 9787561949320
This is a learner’s dictionary designed for novice and elementary level Chinese learners. Based on The HSK Guidelines and The Graded Chinese Syllables, Characters and Words for the Application of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages among other syllabuses, with authentic language material, this dictionary has chosen 5,000 words and lexical chunks which are the most common in communication.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
25,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Learner’s Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese [Elementary Level - Hardcover Edition]. ISBN: 9787561912102
Covering the most frequently used words and expressions with the simplest illustrations and examples.
Providing illustrations and examples to help understanding the meanings of the words and grammar.
Emphasizing the usage of the Chinese language in daily conversations instead of giving explanations of the knowledge of the language.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
Only 14,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Jin Xiandai Hanyu Ciyuan [Chinese Edition] [2 Volumes in Slipcase]. ISBN: 9787532654031
Jin Xiandai Hanyu Ciyuan - Chinese edition in 2 volumes in slipcase. Entries are sorted alphabetically by pinyin transcription and all entries are in simplified Chinese only. In addition, some English or foreign language components are sometimes quoted or quoted in rare cases for clarification. Hanyu Pinyin only occurs in the keyword entries.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
239,90 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 1. ISBN: 9787561961223
Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 1 is part of the series Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
10,60 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 2. ISBN: 9787561961216
Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 2 is part of the series Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
15,50 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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International Chinese Learner's Dictionary [Elementary Level - Hardcover]. ISBN: 9787107364884
International Chinese Learner's Dictionary - Elementary Level, hardcover. This is an simplified Chinese only dictionary, main entries are accompanied by Hanyu Pinyin. Contains only commonly used Chinese words and phrases with the easiest possible examples, making full use of a basic vocabulary. Usually several examples are given for each expression, which help to illustrate the words and expressions in everyday use, while at the same time the grammar is trained.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
43,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education - Grammar Learning Manual [Advanced Level]. ISBN: 9787561961858
This volume of Grammar Learning Manual (Advanced Level) contains numerous practical examples of the use of grammar points based on actual language usage. Both the examples and explanations are in simplified Chinese characters only (without Hanyu Pinyin). QR codes are provided directly in the book near the sentence patterns, scan the QR codes in the book to go to the online audio section to listen to the sentence patterns. 10 minutes learning time is recommended for each grammar point.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
17,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
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Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 3. ISBN: 9787561961698
Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 3 is part of the series Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
18,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
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Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 4. ISBN: 9787561962589
Quick Vocabulary Handbook - Level 4 is part of the series Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education.
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
17,99 EUR
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2-7 Days(DE),3-21 Days(Europe)
incl. 7% tax excl.
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